Chapter 21-I Could've Saved Them

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I wasn't planning to get out of the car tonight. What good would I be? I'm on crutches. But when I saw everyone getting captured by a gang of vamps, and my dad getting knocked out, there was no choice.

Once out of sight, I get out of the car and open the trunk, grabbing a machete. I ditch the crutches and look through the window seeing five vamps, including Len Cuse. Although, Len was being held up, too.

I don't know what to do. Everyone is tied up and I can't take all four by myself.

"I'll join your bloody caravan." I hear Len say, ripping his arms out of the grip of the largest vamp. "As long as it means you won't kill these people."

"We aren't killing anyone." The girl-who seems to be the leader, informs. "You are." They shove him to the ground. He refuses. Suddenly, she turns around. I quickly hide myself as she picks up a machete.

"We love you, brother. But we don't know who you are, anymore." Suddenly, she screeches and takes off his head, my heart dropping.

He was just a vamp. It's okay. Calm down. I tell myself.

What the fuck do I do? Go in, chop one of them up, and hope for the best?

Sam catches my eyes and I see alarm set on his face. He violently shakes his head at me when she's not looking, telling me not to do anything.

Suddenly, Dean's arms go free and he grabs the machete she has just dropped, knocking one of the guys heads off.

"Maddie, now!" Sam shouts, me appearing from the other side of the fence in my way. I easily hop over it and knock another one out of the bag, igniting the stinging pain in my knee.

Two left.

Dean fights with the chick as a burly one charges towards me. Jody trips him up and he tumbled to the ground, making it easy for me to chop his off too.

While dean finishes off the last one, I cut everyone's ropes off of their hands. The last one to get free was Jody, and by the time I got to her, Dean had won the fight.

"Madison, what the hell were you thinking? You just restarted your recovery time." Sam scolds, watching me limp back to the car.

"I was thinking that the only family I have left was in danger and if I didn't help them, the vamps would either find me and I'd be dead, or I'd be a damn orphan!" I turn around, screaming at him.


"Don't tell me that I shouldn't have saved your asses because I already made that mistake with mom! I let her die, dad! I have lost too much this year and I cannot lose anything else, because I am too emotionally unstable for that!" I rant, a few tears slipping down my face as I finally open up about my feelings.

"Madison, that wasn't your fault." He says softly, walking towards me. "If you had tried to help, you would be dead, too. Because you didn't know how to kill it." He says, bringing me into a hug.

"I could've stopped him." I sob loudly, balling up his blue jacket in my hand and letting my tears fall onto it. "They could be alive."

"I'm sorry, Mads." He says, his voice shaking. I pull away with a shaky breath. We make our way over to the car, wiping my tears away. Dean meets us halfway with my crutches, looking at me with worry.

"Were you crying?" He asks. I walk passed him while rolling my eyes.

"Shut the fuck up."


hi i dumped half of the chapter's i've written so far, so i hope you enjoyed.

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