Chapter 20-What the Cuss!?

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   "Officer ladies, look at this one!" The guy at the gun table says, picking up the smallest gun on the table. I scoff.

   "What about this one?" Jody asks, picking up a bigger one. I smirk.

   "Think you can handle a big one?" He asks.

   "Think they'd be sheriffs if they couldn't handle big ones?" I sass. Jody smirks and cocks the unloaded the gun easily.

   "Sigma, right?" Jody asks.

   "10 pounds pull weight. Cute." Donna says.

   "Call this a big one?" She uncocks it. "Hope you drive a Porsche."

   "Chaz. If you're trying to pull one over on this one, you've got the wrong girl." A cocky guy says, strolling up to us. "Sheriff Hanscum here is a wolf in sheepskin, right?"

   "Thank you." Donna remarks. "Wolves are majestic creatures. But save your flattery for other female people." She turns away.

   "Oh, Sheriff Goodhill. No. I mean, yeah, but, you know, we just met."

   "Who's this dickwad?" I ask.

   "Ex-Husband." She mutters back.

   "Cufflinks, right?" He says.

   "Cuff-what?" Jody asks.

   "Cufflinks! Dating sight for cops. You on it, Donna?" He asks.

   "Me? No. Not quite there yet." She responds.

   "Oh, you still getting in date shape, huh?" He grabs her butt. Jody and I give each other disgusted and angry looks.

   "More like trying to get through the stuff on my DVR first." They both laugh.

   "Oh, for the love of god." Jody snaps. "What is wrong with you? You get off on fat-shaming chicks? You are so not fat by the way."

   "Because she is the most beautiful woman in this place, and she doesn't need your bullshit!" I add.

   "You are just a douche!" Jody finished. He looks at us shocked.

   "Uh, okay. I'll just, uh... okay, then." He walks off.

   "What the h-e-double-hockey-sticks, Jody? Calling my ex a douche in front of his face?"

   "Well it didn't look like you were gonna do it!" She argues.

   "What would be the point? We're divorced! You really think I'm gonna change him now?"

   "Because no one should be treated like that, divorced, single, married, whatever! You deserve better!" I sit back and watch the argument, knowing I'd just get yelled at to stay out of it.

   "He just gets to treat you like a doormat forever? Is that it?" She argues.

   "How about this? 'Till you've actually lost a husband, you keep your mouth zipped about mine." Donna snaps.

   Jody zones off for a second, a look of sadness taking over her features.

   "Did-Did something happen to your husband?" She asks.

   "Yeah. It's nothing."

   "I'm so sorry, Jody." She says.

   "It's fine."

   "I'm just going to get some air." Donna walks off.


   "Hey, you got anything?" Dean asks as Sam walks up. Another body had just been found right outside the building and they were wheeling the body away.

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