Chapter 26 - The Severely Injured Ye Beiming

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Translated by Luxican

In the dark night, Yun Sheng's eyes flashed with excitement and joy.

Xiao Hei's unintentional move inspired her and reminded her of the last ingredient that her hemostatic agent lacked.

Still pleasantly surprised, she picked up Xiao Hei, didn't go home and instead hurried in the direction of Jiao Ye Village.


Sometimes patients would stay  in the temple overnight, so the door of the temple would always be closed at night.

At this hour Yang Magician should also be asleep,

Yun Sheng returned to the pharmacy, dimmed the pine oil lamp, took out the unfinished hemostatic agent that had been concocted earlier and carefully added the dew she collected to the agent.

The herb system of Wu Ji Continent respects the power of nature, so a drop of water and a leaf could sometimes play an unexpected role.

After the dew was added to the original agent, the color of the hemostatic agent had a slight change. The odor it emitted was almost the same as the one Yun Sheng smelled in the drug store earlier.

"It's done." Yun Sheng muttered in a lowered volume.

But then she realized a problem.

The hemostatic was successful, bur who should test the effects?

According to Yun Sheng's inclusive knowledge of Eastern and Western medicine , a new drug has to be tested clinically before it can be used by humans.

Hemostatic agents were only used in the village by hunters, that  go up the mountain to hunt. However, due to their high price, most hunters were reluctant to use them. They would just seek treatment from the magicians of the Magic Temple for free or used the hemostatic flowers directly.

In this way, no one in Jiao Ye Village had witnessed  the effects of an agent so nobody knew whether the hemostatic agent Yun Sheng made was a success or not.

"Should I go to the town to find a dedicated warrior for testing?" thought Yun Sheng embarrassed.

Just as she was in distress, there was a muffled sound of something heavy falling in the courtyard.

Could someone have come for treatment? At this hour?

Yun Sheng sneaked into the Magic Temple. If she was found by the eccentric Yang Magician, it would be bad.

Yun Sheng hurriedly blew out the pine oil lamp, held her breath and silently reached the door,

In the courtyard, calm had been restored. 

Xiao Hei in Yun Sheng's arms barked outside, Yun Sheng hurriedly covered his mouth.

" Be quite, we're thieves," Yun Sheng wasn't angry.

Xiao Hei grunted extremely wronged, and sniffed twice.

At this time Yun Sheng also noticed the smell.

The smell was unique, mixed with the smell of blood.

"Poison,"Yun Sheng became alert. Someone was poisoned.

She opened the concealed door, and found a shadow lying on the ground.

Ye Beiming!

At a glance Yun Sheng recognized the motionless person in the dark. Ye Beiming that hadn't been seen for many days!

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