Chapter 55 - Revolutionary Friendship

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Translated by Luxican

Want to use them as decoys? Wonderful!

Yun Sheng flipped her hand, at almost the same time she thrusted a few bone needles behind her, she began to chant the incantation of Fireball.

Huang Ling saw her chanting extremely fast, she realized that Yun Sheng chanted twice as fast as her.

She secretly wondered how Yun Sheng could chant so fast.

Several bone needles had already made contact with the bald mercenary.

The mercenary ignored the needles completely. With a single swipe of his palm, he immediately blocked the bone needles in front of him.

But at this time, a fireball flew out, hitting the face of the bald mercenary.

The latter screamed and held his face.

It just so happened that the Fire Lion Bull had already reached him, and the hoof of the beast kicked the chest of the mercenary. There was the terrible sound of breaking bones. After a while the mercenary was trampled into meat paste.

"Let's go," Yun Sheng looked at the Fire Lion Bull, caught Huang Ling's hand and started to run.

Huang Ling had lost too much blood, it was difficult for her to even move a step.

Seeing the Fire Lion Bull approaching, Huang Ling raised her magic scepter and pointed it at Yun Sheng.

A green light flickered and landed on Yun Sheng, who suddenly felt lighter.

Light Body Spell!

Huang Ling used her precious remaining magic power to cast a blessing on Yun Sheng in this life or death situation.

"You go, I'm tired of you, you run away!"

Huang Ling knew that she was injured, and understood that Yun Sheng's chances of survival were even slimmer if she accompanied her.

Today's disaster was caused by her. If it were not for her greedy desire for the dual-elemental Soulstone, she wouldn't have been caught by the mercenaries, nor would they now confront the fire lion bull.

"Moo ---"

Just then, the Fire Lion Bull roared loudly, and the huge body passed them, blocking their way.

Neither of them could escape.

The Fire Lion Bull was a wanted beast. It had killed four mercenaries one after another. Its visage was full of anger and its bull eyes were murderous.

Compared to this moving fortress, the thin Yun Sheng and Huang Ling looked very vulnerable.

It was strange how, after the Fire Lion Bull blocked their way, it did not attack them head-on. Its eyes looked back and forth Yun Sheng and Huang Ling, finally its gaze fell on Huang Ling's wounded shoulder.

The wound on Huang Ling's shoulder, which was caused by an arrow, had been treated with Yun Sheng's hemostatic agent, and had quickly stopped the bleeding.

The Fire Lion Bull was a Wanted Demon Beast, it was a lot more cunning than the average demon beast.

It had been poisoned for many days already, and was unable to cure itself. It had been tortured by pain day and night.

After Yun Sheng had stepped in, all her treatment process had been witnessed by the Fire Lion Bull.

It took for granted that Yun Sheng would know how to treat it.

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