Chapter 67 - Begins to Appear in Yujing City

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Translated by Luxican

Yujing City, the most prosperous city in the west of Wu Ji Continent, was close to the Zhou River, with convenient transportation. It had a Magic Temple, a Mercenary Union, a Beast Port and a sea dock.

The local agriculture and commerce were developed, and thousands of foreigners came every day. It was also the capital of the cultivation world in the Great Zhou Empire. Magicians, warriors, and even summoners who were rare on the mainland were all gathered in this place.

Yun Sheng and Xiao Hei arrived in Yujing City with the comatose Yun Canghai, seven or eight days later.

She didn't know that, just a few days prior, Ye Beiming was ordered to travel around the Great Zhou Empire and capture the Beast Blood Clouds. Yun Sheng and Ye Beiming just missed each other.

In ten years' time, Ye Beiming would be known as the God of War, and Yun Sheng would also acquire multiple identities. The many relationships of the two were just beginning, but that, was something for later.


To enter Yujing City, you had to pay a silver coin.

Seeing that Yun Sheng, a little girl, drove a carriage into the city, the several city guards inevitable stepped forward to check.

Just before they could check behind the curtain of the wagon, a small black dog jumped out.

The dog had short black hair and the neck was slightly crooked to the right, but none of the city guards dared to look down on the black dog.

The black dog seemed to have a part of the Wolf-Mastiff bloodline, and its whole body had a slight sheen. It was only as big as a lamb, but the limbs were muscular and powerful.

That was Xiao Hei. After Xiao Hei ate a piece of the Wind Maggot, his body had slightly changed.

Yun Sheng still couldn't see his rank, but the Xiao Hei at this moment was much stronger than before, and looked like a hound or even a mastiff.

"Guards, my father is in the wagon. He is a resident of Yujing City. But because he has a bad disease, he can't be exposed to the wind," Yun Sheng said with a worried tone, she had meticulously taken care of her father.

The trickiest thing about "vegetables" was not their daily care, but their inability to eat, so with time they would become weaker, even if they had been as strong as an elephant.

The Wu JI Continent did not have the modern equipment for transferring nutrients. Yun Sheng could only rely on a wheat straw to feed Yun Canghai some precious ginseng soup on the way.

But even so, Yun Canghai was still losing weight day by day.

On the 7th and 8th day, Yun Canghai was already so skinny, Yun Sheng couldn't bear to see it.

She had rushed all day and night to Yujing City, hoping to arrive at the General's Mansion as fast as she could, to find a way to save her father.

"If he's a patient, what kind of disease is it, if its infectious and deadly he isn't allowed to enter the city," the guards were embarrassed.

Yujing City was the capital city of the Great Zhou Empire, the number of residents was uncountable.

In order to prevent an epidemic in the city, there were special rules for entering the city. Those who were infected with infectious diseases could not enter the city.

"My father didn't get a contagious disease, but he is in coma. We are here to rejoin our relatives. Several elder brothers, I beg you. Please let us in." Anxious, Yun Sheng had not expected Yujing City to have such rules.

"Little girl it's not that we don't want to let you through, but if something happens, we will lose our heads. So, go ahead and leave the carriage at the gate of the city first. When you find your relatives in the city, let him bring verification by an ancient medicine practitioner of above Pharmacist grade, and then come to pick up your father," the guards saw that Yun Sheng was young, and her clothes were worn out. She was alone and had to look after her parent.

Yun Sheng thanked the city guards and parked the carriage, the ordered Xiao Hei to guard the carriage.

She inquired the passer-by of the whereabouts of General Wu Sheng's Estate and ran all the way.


Yujing City was very big, and Yun Sheng heard that the General's Estate was located in the Tranquil Nihility Lane, that was also the area where many high-ranking officials had their residents.

Yun Sheng only knew that Yun Canghai was part of the General's Family, but she didn't know anything about the General's Estate.

When she was in Jiao Ye Village, Yun Sheng had also learned about warriors. The warriors, like magicians, were divided into different levels.

Lui Hu in Jiao Ye Village was just an entry-level Martial Artist, while Ding Fa of Huoyan Village was a Great Martial Artist. From the Martial Novice, the Warrior stages were: Martial Artist, Great Martial Artist, Martial Master, Great Martial Master, Martial Sage, Martial King, Martial Sovereign, and Martial Deity.

The best-known figure of the Yun Family was General Wu Sheng. The Yun Family's ancestors had two Martial Kings, and Yun Canghai's father, Yun Sheng's grandfather, was also a Martial King.

The Martial King was equivalent to the existence of a Magic King in the ranking of magicians. In the Great Zhou Kingdom, there were no more than three Martial Kings, and among them, General Wu Sheng had entered the Martial King grade the longest time.

So, for the people of the Great Zhou Kingdom, General Wu Sheng was an unreachable figure.

Yun Sheng had never seen this legendary grandfather, but just standing before the door of the General's Estate she could feel might and pressure, but also a sense of grief.

Outside the General's Estate, two lions made of red iron stood at each side of the door. The lacquered bronze gate and the two martial artists with swords standing outside gave out a heavy pressure.

Using Martial Masters as guards, she was afraid, only the General's Estate enjoyed this luxury. It was known that Martial Masters could also become the head of Martial Arts Halls.

Yun Sheng had just stepped forward, and suddenly the door opened, a boy dressed in luxurious clothes walked out of the General's Estate with a few demon beast wolves behind him.

In the Great Zhou Empire, some wealthy families, in additions to guards, kept some special demon beasts. They also brought the demon beasts to hunt.

At the end of May, Yujing City already had a bit of early summer heat.

The boy who came out was about two to three years older than Yun Sheng. His eyebrows were pretty good, and his walk was agile. You could see at first glance that he practiced martial arts.

"Young Master, it's still early where are you going with the demon beasts?" The guards at the gate saluted respectfully.

The boy who came out was Tang Yu, the son of the first daughter of the Yun Family, Yun Cangxue, who was widowed. Yun Cangxue's husband was originally a competent man under Yun Bahe, but unexpectedly died in a chaotic battle at the border.

Yun Cangxue was not happy with her mother-in-law, so she moved with her only son Tang Yu back to the General's Estate.

Tang Yu was very clever. At a young age, he had passed the warrior assessment and he admired Yun Canghai.

"I saw that the Blood-Clawed Wolf cubs that were recently bought were nervous, so I will bring them out for a walk," Tang Yu said, and let the wolf cubs out.

Who knew that the wolf cubs who had walked out of the gate, shortly after just entering the General's Estate, looked at Yun Sheng, who was standing not far away, and immediately ran towards her.

T/N:We finally know the Warrior Ranks! Yay!

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