Chapter 181 - Goodbye Ye Beiming

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Translated by Luxican

Edited by Leighann

It's a small world.

Yun Sheng was stunned, she didn't expect to encounter Ye Beiming again under such circumstances.

Since her departure from Jiao Ye Village more than a year had passed. She wondered, had Ye Beiming's eyes recovered? He should have regained his sight, right?

The Crown Prince of Great Zhou Empire, Ye Beilian was still waiting on the long street under the restaurant, which coincidently was also the only way to the Imperial Palace.

Yun Sheng's mind was in disorder, thinking about Ye Beiming and how she escaped with half his Magic Soul.

It was reasonable to say, after the cornea surgery, she should have still monitored his recovery for a while, but she was in a hurry, and could no longer stay in Jiao Ye Village and wait for him to wake up.

Ye Beiming's last words before he passed out..., Yun Sheng remembered them clearly.

That guy was very petty, and also very cunning and black-bellied, if he knew that she was also in Yujing City, she didn't know how he would retaliate against her.

Seeing that Yun Sheng was in a bit of a daze, Lin Yao'er waved her hand in front of Yun Sheng, "What are you thinking about?"

Yun Sheng returned to her senses and smiled, gave the waiter a silver coin, and asked with a gossipy tone: "Brother, we are indeed foreigners, the scene seems so lively, who is this Ye Beiming?"

A silver coin, this was comparable to the waiter's income for half a month. After taking the coin, the waiter talked like a waterfall, almost telling them about Ye Beiming's ancestors also.

Ye Beiming was the second son of the Great Zhou Emperor, although he wasn't very old, his life went through quite the ups and downs.

He was born a royal, and even crowned the Crown Prince, but unfortunately, he was blind.

When he was young, his mother got involved in a palace coup. Ye Beiming was deprived his title, and in the name of recuperation he was left in the Cold Palace for several years, it wasn't until a year ago that he left the Cold Palace.

The waiter said excitedly, he paused for a moment, Lin Yao'er who was listening intently urgently poured him a cup of tea to moisturize his throat.

"Do you know of the Cold Palace? It's a place that eats people without even leaving their bones. After the Prince was brought there, without anyone backing him, and his mother dead, everyone thought he was dead," the waiter said happily, his demeanor was comparable to a storyteller's. "But Ye Beiming survived. He even magically regained his sight more than a year ago! Then he appeared in the court hall and actively requested to go deal with the various Beast Blood Clouds."

The difficulty of hunting Beast Blood Clouds was well known throughout the continent. The last few years, Beast Blood Clouds have appeared more frequently in various places around the continent, the Magic Temple, Mercenary Union, and the armies of the various countries were sent to kill the beasts.

But only those, who experienced a Beast Blood Cloud's beast realized their true strength. Yun Sheng knew that Ye Beiming was strong, but she did not expect Ye Beiming to be strong enough to hunt Beast Blood Clouds.

"In the past year, Ye Beiming didn't rely on a single soldier, and a total of dozen Beast Blood Clouds were seized and killed by him alone. The Emperor of Great Zhou Empire was very pleased, and bestowed Ye Beiming with the title "King of the North"! And just recently he defeated a Beast Blood Cloud beast that appeared in the South with two friends of his. He was to return today and His Royal Highness was ordered to come greet him," the waiter said, glancing towards the street.

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