Chapter 69 - Yun Family

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Translated by Luxican

Yun Canghai's daughter?!

After hearing Yun Sheng's identity, the lady in the beautiful dress was not happy, there was a bit of bitterness in her eyes.

He wasn't dead, ten years had passed without news, and his offspring was also so big already.

But she immediately returned to normal.

Tang Yu who was scared silly, saw the woman, "Mother, this small beggar hit me! She said she was grandfather's granddaughter, I don't have such an ugly cousin!"

Described an ugly girl by a pig brother, Yun Sheng couldn't help but be angry.

But she had also guessed the identity of the woman and Tang Yu in front of her.

The only daughter of the Yun Family, after becoming a widow, Yun Cangxue was temporarily living in the General's Estate.

But Yun Sheng didn't like Yun Cangxue at first glance.

Yun Cangxue and Yun Canghai had no similarities. Her face looked good, her posture was beautiful, but her pair of slightly raised eyes seemed a bit mean.

Yun Cangxue looked at Yun Sheng with disgusted eyes, and then looked distressed at her son's face.

Damn beggar, dared to beat her lovely baby, and she was even Yun Canghai's daughter!

They looked somewhat similar, but she would never let Yun Canghai's daughter take half a step into the General's Estate.

Everything in the General's Estate belonged to her family.

"You just said, you are the daughter of Canghai? Is there any proof? Where is Yun Canghai even?" Yun Cangxue's eyelids lifted slightly, only using the afterglow of her eyes to glance at Yun Sheng, clearly not putting her in her eyes.

"Father is sick, and is waiting at the gates of the city. I want to invite..." Although Yun Sheng didn't like Yun Cangxue, considering Yun Canghai's condition could not be left untreated, she had to answer.

"Foolish! He even dared return to the General's Estate! Come here, do you still remember what the old general said you should do, if you meet Yun Canghai and his cheap offspring?" Yun Cangxue, this tigress, commanded like she was the old general himself.

The guards looked at each other, and under Yun Cangxue's lecturing, one of them stepped forward. "The old general said,... if Yun Canghai brought his offspring back to the General's Estate, he must pay three worships and nine kowtows to the General's Estate. After he apologized to his ancestors, his is to kneel outside the estate."

"And what if Yun Canghai and his offspring refused to follow these words, what should you do?" Yun Cangxue stroked her son's head, gloating with her pair of arrogant eyes.

"If they don't follow, they will be beaten to death with a stick, and will not be allowed to step into the General's Estate," the guard said with a puff, and looked at Yun Sheng with pity.

The girl was not very old, but when she confronted the Blood-Clawed Wolves, she had responded very quickly. She was also a magician, and was probably the daughter of the young master who had left home.

Three bows and nine kowtows.

These five words deeply burnt into Yun Sheng's mind.

She remembered her father's increasingly thin body and the humiliation by the pair of mother and son.

"Very well, Yun Cangxue, today, you refused me and my father to return. Next time, I swear on the name Yun Sheng, I will show you what it means to offend the wrong person, and taste three bows and nine kowtows," Yun Sheng didn't hold to many tender feelings towards the General's Estate.

Since the General's Estate could not tolerate her or her father, she would never beg them.

Yun Sheng turned and left, leaving Tranquil Nihility Lane without looking back.

Yun Cangxue only felt that in Yun Sheng's words very sharp knives were hidden, and while being watched by these night black eyes, a chill ran down her spine.

Yun Cangxue secretly looked at the maidservants behind her, and the maidservants quietly followed.

"I don't want anyone else to know about what happened today," Yun Cangxue warned the two guards.

The guards nodded.


After Yun Sheng left Tranquil Nihility Lane, she heard footsteps behind her, and she knew without looking back, that it must be someone ordered by Yun Cangxue to secretly follow her.

Yun Cangxue didn't seem to be kind, and she must never reveal her and her father's whereabouts.

Yun Sheng sped up her pace, and with the five-elemental Magic Soul in her body, she quietly controlled wind magic elements. She walked randomly around the streets of Yujing City, and finally threw off the one following her.

It was just, while Yun Sheng sprinted, it was her first time in Yujing City. She unexpectedly found herself in a dilapidated street.

Compared with the Tranquil Nihility Lane earlier, this street was like another world.

They were not far away, they were still in Yujing City, but the gap between rich and poor was huge.

This street was small and dilapidated, and the shops on both sides were also very shabby. Yun Sheng suspected that the people on Tranquil Nihility Lane would not come to such a place in their entire lifetime.

"Is there a medical clinic near her?" Yun Sheng wasn't recognized by the General's Estate, which meant that she had to get a doctor to prove that her father was infected with a contagious disease. A local Yujing City physician had to issue a certificate for her father.

After walking a few steps, Yun Sheng saw a sign with the words, "Rejuvenate Hands".

But at the door of the medical hall was another board, with a few crooked lines written on it.

Looking at it, Yun Sheng couldn't help but feel a sense of laughter.

On the board was advertised that various certificates were written on behalf of, infertility treatment, and various types of gynecological diseases.

She didn't know if the doctors of this "Generation Medical Center" had the so-called doctor qualification.

A bit suspicious, Yun Sheng walked into the medical hall.

It was a rudimentary medical hall. There were only a few medicine cabinets and one uneven counter. There was a lean man sitting at the counter and sleeping on his stomach.

He was probably the owner of this medicine hall.

"Excuse me, could you help me issue a certificate. One of my loved ones wanted to enter the city, but because of serious illness, the city guards did not allow him to enter," Yun Sheng said, but the man lying on the counter did not respond.

"Excuse me?" Yun Sheng stepped forward to take a closer look, and found that the man had passed out.

What happened?

Yun Sheng helped the person up, looked him for a while, and couldn't help but laugh, this person, he was not ill, he just hadn't eaten for many days, so he had passed out because of hunger.

Yun Sheng took out a piece of dry food, which she had on her, and brought some water, wanting to feed the unconscious doctor.

She had just taken out the dry food, and the lean man smelled the food and jumped up immediately, swallowing all the dry food in her hand.

While chewing he said, "Finally, I thought I would starve to death. What certificate do you want to get? Proof of entering the city, name, age, illness, five silver coins for a certificate, effective for today."

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