Chapter 131 - Desperate Yun Sheng

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Translated by Luxican

Edited by madghost

The entire Potion Association including Yun Sheng could be said to be making the final preparations for the refinement of the Moon God Elixir.

"The Crown Prince and the people of the Wu Xuan Peerless Halls are watching, this time the Potion Association will definitely be able to impress everyone." An Jie held one last speech of encouragement.

He felt like even the heavens were helping them this time.

The Fighting Association's Combination Magic failed, and their Moon God Elixir would surely win the glory the Potion Association deserved.

The Potion Association's members, excluding the magician who had been injured earlier and couldn't participate, Yun Sheng had met them a few times during practice. She couldn't be considered familiar with them, but she could recognize their faces.

The other two from the Potion Association were the eleven-year-old junior student, Wang Hua, and Hua Ke Ke, who was also an intermediate student like An Jie.

The work division had also been determined in the few refinements earlier.

Magic Potion Masters were different from doctors, as refining magic potions often required the consumption of a large number of magic elements.

The Moon God Elixir was already difficult to refine just because it required the consumption of a lot of magic elements. Under normal circumstances, it would require a magician of at least Magister level or above to successfully refine it.

However, because of several years of research experience and through the guidance of his mentor, An Jie had managed to divide the refinement of the Moon God Elixir into several steps.

"The refinement of the Moon God Elixir, I believe everyone is already familiar with it. First, Wang Hua will carry out the basic material processing, I will carry out the purification of the materials. Gu Feng's light magic element will act as the magic potion supplement, Ke Ke will carry out the mixing of the materials, and Yun Sheng will conduct the last step of potion stabilization." An Jie instructed. Once again checking the materials and making sure everything is ready before rushing the few people to the square.

"Sister Ke Ke, let me help you with the materials." Gu Feng saw that Hua Ke Ke was holding a lot of the materials in her hand, and was looking awkward, so he took the initiative to step forward and help her with them.

Hua Ke Ke and Gu Feng's relationship was good, both of them were scholarship students and children from a remote mountain village, Hua Ke Ke had always taken good care of Gu Feng when he first entered the Potion Department.

"No, I'll do it myself." Hua Ke Ke rejected Gu Feng's offer, pressing the materials against her chest, she looked very nervous.

Nobody turned any attention to this among the other members. Except for Yun Sheng who looked calm, the rest were all very nervous as if they had a small drum in their hearts at this moment.

Although they had practiced several times before this, Magic Potion Refinement was even more unstable than Combination Magic. The slightest error could lead to horrendous consequences.

In addition, they usually refined magic potions in the laboratory, but now they will have to refine the magic potion in front of the entire school. This was a groundbreaking first time for the Magic Potion Association's members!

They had to succeed.

They couldn't allow the slightest mistake.

Inside the square, the tutors and students were already eager to see what was going to happen.

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