just a snake who sheds

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A cry of agony was heard from Deceit's room.
Patton was the first to respond, because of course.
"Deceit! What's the-" Patton was interrupted by Deceit's hissing.
"Go away! Piss off! I'm fine! Leave me alone!" Deceit turned his head away as soon as Patton entered his room.
"Dee! What's the matter?"
Patton was able to get a glimpse of Deceit's face when he kneeled down with him.
It was that time again.
About twice every year, Deceit would shed his skin.
Even though it was a small number of scales, it was two weeks of suffering for Deceit.
"Go...a-away." Deceit pushed Patton away and attempted to stand, but stumbled.
He held himself against a wall and clutched his stomach.
"F-fuck off, you-you preppy ass goody-two-shoes. Think you're so good..." Deceit mumbled insults and cursed.
Patton held Deceit's shoulders and ignored the insults.
"Wish you didn't say that, but, " Deceit hissed and stumbled away from Patton.
"You want me to run a bath for you? Or can I make tea? Or hot chocolate? Hot Chocolate sounds good. That's right, hot chocolate. "
Deceit scratched at his face angrily and hissed.
"I don't n-need any God damn hot chocolate. L-Leave me alone."
Patton moved out of Deceit's way but moved back quickly after he started to fall over.
"Alright kiddo, I'm sure that you're fine, but I think I'll stick around a tad longer." Patton sunk to the floor along with Deceit.
He turned away from Patton and swayed where he sat.
"Argh... Everything hurts..." Deceit mumbled and closed his eyes.
"Aw, Kiddo. I'll go get that hot chocolate." Patton tapped on Deceit's shoulder and stood up, Deceit muttering insults.
"Yeah, that's right, go away...You-you.." He scratched at his face as he fell into unconsciousness.

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