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Logan sat at his desk, tapping a pen against his head. He had fallen down a rabbit hole, black holes, and space this time, and wanted to write an essay. But the words were gone. He had so many things to say but he just couldn't put them on paper.
"Ugh." Logan groaned and banged his head on the table.
He had been sitting here for hours, just trying to find a few words to put down.
He was finally pulled away from his work when there was a knock at his door.
"I'm busy."
A knock again.
"I'm. Busy." He said, louder this time.
A knock a third time.
"I'M BUSY." He yelled.
"Lo? I just wanted to check on you. You okay in there?"
Logan felt (look at him, felt) a pang of guilt as he rushed towards his door, opening it to see Patton holding a mug of coffee.
"Patton, I-I didn't know it was you."
"That's alright. I know you've been working so hard, and it's getting pretty late, and I know how you get, so I thought I'd bring you this." Patton smiled a soft smile and handed him the mug.
Logan took a swig, as he had been putting off getting more coffee for a while, though he desperately needed it.
"Patton," It was exactly like he liked it. Dark. Enough to keep him awake for four or five hours. "You're - This is perfect. Thank you."
Patton smiled. "Of course! Anything else I can get you?"
Logan shook his head as he took another sip. "No. I'm okay." He looked around for a moment. "What time is it?"
Patton laughed.
"No, really. I've been here for a long time."
"It's midnight, Lo."
Logan blinked a few times and adjusted his glasses. "I see."
He was internally mad at himself, mad that he had been wasting away hours doing nothing. Nothing at all. Why couldn't just think of something?
"Thank you, Patton."
Patton hugged Logan before turning and closing the door.
Logan had put up a strong front for Patton, but he put down his walls after he left. He sat down at his desk only to throw off all his papers. He took a sip of his coffee with shaking hands, only to spill on his pants.
"Agh!" Logan balled his fists and tried to suppress his pain. Tears poured against his cheeks, much to his surprise.
He just needed one sentence. One word. If he could even pick up a pencil. But he couldn't. Not a single word.
Another knock.
"Hey, Logan?"
He couldn't bring himself to words.
He needed to compose himself, at least a little.
"Logan, we're worried about you."
His doorknob rattled.
"Please open the door. Patton wants to see if you're alright too."
Logan took a shaky breath and got up to lean against the door.
"Logan, please."
The doorknob rattled more, and Logan unlocked to door.
The door opened to reveal an especially worried Virgil, and a teary-eyed Patton.
"Lo!" Patton wrapped his arms around Logan.
"Sorry to bother you. P-Patton just told me you seemed off, a-and then I heard you yell earlier. I-I just thought I should come to check on you."
Logan nodded in Patton's grip, letting the tears he had been holding in flow.
"Oh, Logie, I was so worried about you! I know you're always on about having a healthy sleep schedule, but you didn't even know what time it was? And all those research papers scattered around your desk. You just seemed...like you weren't alright."
Logan let go of Patton, wiping his eyes and taking a deep breath.
"You're right. I'm not...alright."
Virgil smiled a little. "Yeah? Well, we've both been there. Speaking of not being alright, Logan, you look like you need sleep."
Logan nodded, leaning onto Patton's shoulder.
"But you can't sleep in there!" Patton stroked Logan's hair.
"I can't?"
"No, you'll be far too distracted! You can sleep with me tonight! Virge can come too! We can have a sleepover!"
Logan shut his eyes as he walked with Patton and Virgil.
"That would be great."

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