1. The Contract

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Lisa taps her fingers on the marble table nervously. Jisoo was never early to any of their meetings, in her book ten O'clock meant that she could choose either between am or pm and she was really getting sick of it this time. Lisa had driven a long way just to see her and even made sure that she left a message with her assistant, begging for her to comply with the set time but no—Jisoo Kim didn't do 'on time', nope, not for all the black clothes in the world.

After a few minutes, she sees her emerging through the door and past the other tables in a black silk shirt and black dress pants. Her black hair is styled into a ponytail and she carries herself with the gait of a queen.

"Good morning, Lisa." She grins weakly while sitting down, carrying her usual wave of busyness and occupancy.

"Are you sure it's still morning? You're one to really lose track of time madame Kim."

Lisa frowns at Jisoo and she smiles modestly.

"Forgive me, I had some things to sort out. The life of a lawyer." She gives her a sad look and her frown quickly melts away. How could she stay mad at her? It was Jisoo for God's sake, she would practically swim any ocean for her less than sane best friend.

Jisoo had known Lisa since they were in the womb, she literally said hi to Lisa in the form of a kick during a tummy rubbing session at the park involving both their mothers. Or at least that's the story they were told. They had been inseparable since kindergarten and as they grew older she became her confidante and partner in crime. To be frank, Jisoo became her stem of support.

"Damn you, Jisoo. I seriously don't know what I pay you for." Lisa says as she beckons to a waiter.

Jisoo scoffs at her.

"None of your businesses being in court and having the peace of mind to sit down in one of the most expensive restaurants in town while drinking a two thousand dollar bottle of wine isn't a luxury most businessmen enjoy. Remember that the next time you're wondering what it is I am good for besides asking for a raise." She eyes her over the lid of her glass as she drinks her water.

"Touché" Lisa smiles at Jisoo. always so damn opinionated, she thinks to herself.

The waiter is now staring at both of them awkwardly and Lisa apologizes for Jisoo's hissy fit.

"She gets high on drama." She says while swirling her index finger to her head and she scowls at her.

"I am not hungry. Can I just have a glass of soda water, please?" She smiles at the waiter who is now scribbling on his pad.

"Nothing for me. I'm fine with my wine." Lisa says and the waiter gladly walks away.

In no time at all, Jisoo's soda water is delivered and after taking a few sips she decides that her throat is moist enough to venture into a conversation.

"So, how is Chitthip? I've missed her so much since she left for Milan." Jisoo asks.

Lisa shakes her head as she remembers less than pleasing meeting before Chitthip left the country. Ever since that flat-out dreadful day, she hadn't been able to acquire more than an hour's worth of sleep each night.

"That's actually why I have called you here today," Lisa replies softly.

She sighs, moves her glass to the side so that there is no longer a boundary between them and then continues.

"I need you to help me draw up a contract."

Jisoo looks at her absentmindedly.
"Okay, what kind of contract are we talking about here?"

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