2. Till Mother Notice

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It had been just a week since Lisa's encounter with Jennie and still, she had not heard a word from her. Her hope that she would eventually come around was hastily fading away but she still held on to the possibility of her accepting her offer. She wanted this agreement to work out so badly and didn't know what she would do if she had to find another surrogate.

There was just a strange energy that drew her towards her, she was very exquisite. The way she walked into her office with all the pride and self-respect in the world, not caring that she was one of New York's most successful businesswomen. She commanded all of her attention without even having to show an inch of skin, something most women she knew lacked the ability to do.

Why was such a beautiful and self-regarding woman looking for a job as a surrogate. It just didn't make any sense. Jennie certainly didn't seem like the type. She didn't even look one bit interested in her luxury, so what could she be needing the money for. Her mystery made her more and more interested in her and her hostile facade attracted her to her even more.

She said a silent prayer every day that she would magically show up and say yes. Time was no longer on her side and now that Chitthip had suddenly summoned her presence so early this morning, she knew that she would be under an enormous amount of pressure from her.

She pulls up in the driveway of her mother's penthouse and quickly makes her way into the building that is made mostly of glass. Lisa greets the security before allowing herself up the stairs and into her study.

Chitthip is seated in a minty leather chair analyzing a document. This is the busiest she has ever seen her. She looks up at her through the rim of her glasses and smiles.

"Hello Lisa. It's good to see you again."

"Hey ma." She gives her a kiss on the cheek before taking a seat.

"How's it going?"

She sighs. "Could be better, you?"

"Just fine." Chitthip continues to wear her warm smile.

A few moments of silence pass by before Chitthip puts away the document and diverts her concentration to Lisa.

"Won't you ask me how my trip went?" She asks giving her a childish grin.

Lisa chuckles, her mother could be a handful at times.

"Your trips are always wonderful, I got tired of asking. By the way, Jisoo sends her greetings."

"I truly have missed her. We should have lunch sometime." She says like she is making a mental note and then returns her gaze back to her daughter.

"So, brief me. How much progress has been made since we last spoke?"

Lisa adjusts nervously in her seat and Chitthip can tell already that her response won't be pleasant to her frail ears.

"Well I have a plan. I have a woman, she is going to be my surrogate." She begins.

Chitthip raises a brow. "You have found a woman who has agreed to carry your child?"

"Yes." Lisa lies, she couldn't tell Chitthip the truth. She would scream herself into a heart attack and worst of all, she would force her to move on from Jennie and find a new surrogate. She would handle the issue before she got to finding out.

"That's good. Do you intend on marrying this woman?" She takes off her glasses and places them on her side table.

Lisa sighs. "Mother, you know that isn't happening. I've told you."

Chitthip laughs to herself causing Lisa to cock his head to one side in curiosity.
She wondered how terrible and mind scarring she and Marco's marriage must have been to cause her favorite daughter to decide that she would rather die than stand at the altar.

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