Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6: Cᴏʟᴅ Sʜᴏᴜʟᴅᴇʀ

210 9 1

Time: 9:00am

I walked into Mr. Hem's classroom with a smile on my face but the smile quickly faded away at the sight of seeing that my seat is still next to Jaylinn and Kacey.

I walked to my seat and sat down without looking at them.

"Nasia I'm really sorry about how it went down 2 months ago" Kacey said as she turned to look at me.

"Why are you just apologizing now then when it first happened?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I wanted to give you some space, I knew you were upset and I know you like your space"Kacey said with an apologetic look.

"I appreciate it, but...I ain't the only one you should be apologizing to, you need to apologize to Michael" I said.

They really judged the nigga without fucking knowing him like dats some fucked up shit.

"Why are you so against him? Like what's the reason? Not to mention that you guys were so disrespectful to him to the point I stopped fucking with yall" I said lifting an eyebrow up.

"I just don't want you to get hurt, and because he slowly stole you away from us"she said.


"When are you guys gonna get I am aware of toxic niggas and Michael is not one of them. And nobody stole nothing, the way y'all acted pushed me away from y'all" I said truthfully.

We would hang out and they'd find anything to throw shade at Michael. Especially Jaylinn.

We'd be talking about video games and then they'd say something like "Oh of course Michael likes to play games, he likes playing with girls all the time too."

childish ass

She nodded her head "Are we cool?"

"I don't know are we? Will you give Michael a chance?"I asked generally.

"Yeah I can do that"she smiled.

I look at her with a smile and say "then sure."

She turned her gaze to look at Jaylinn.

"What about Jaylinn?"she asked.

"What about Jaylinn?" I asked not giving a fuck.

"Are you gonna talk to her?" Kacey asked making me shrug.

"She betrayed my trust so who knows"

She nodded and then she looked at Jaylinn, who looked down at her nails.

Kacey holds Jaylinn's hand and whispered something in her ear earring a nod from her.

At this point I could really care less, on what they were talking about.

Why would I surround myself with people that are treating my other best friend like shit for no reason.

I don't need that around me at all.

Hence why I stayed away from them for three months now going on four. I shook my head and sighed getting back to my work.


The bell finally rung and I was going to see Michael who was going to save me from this hell.

I was so excited that I started running to his classroom and I saw him walk out looking kind of annoyed.

"Michael you okay?" I asked him. He nodded but I know something is up with him.

"Mike you can tell me, is it me?" I said trying not be too pushy but I wanted him to know he can always talk to me and I'll be there for him when he needs me.

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