Air Embassy

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Kota, Haider, and Ennis sat at the mouth of the cave and watched the large boat pull into port and begin loading passengers bound for New Yelsu. Roh had just left for the Air Embassy after ranting about what a "dickhead" name "New Yelsu" was because it was just "Suley" mixed up. Then Haider ranted back about how dumb the names "Panic and Tattoo" were, then Roh yelled back about how their names are "Panuk and Taatu".

Kota had a headache.

There was an alarming number of people and families getting on the boat with all their belongings headed to New Yelsu. It appeared that even after the Earth Kingdom's attempts to burn all the fliers that were dropped from the sky and onto doorsteps, some still got to the citizens. And as oppressive as the Earth Kingdom was, they weren't about to openly stop people from leaving. But no doubt they were taking stock. The people that left would never be welcomed back.

Haider had spotted Iden and Ara at the docks, helping load people on the boat, and he was keeping a close eye on them. They must have gotten here before sunrise because they were already there when he woke up. But no way were they getting out of his sight this time.

Kota scooted back into the cave to work on the campfire. With all the free time she and Haider had, they'd been doing odd jobs around the city, getting food, and working on their bending as well. Haider was learning some forms from the schoolkids he sometimes played ball with, and Kota had been teaching herself Fire Suppression.

It's a fairly rare skill, and most people who can suppress fire can only work with small amounts. The zoo fire and the palace fire had been too large for anyone to suppress. And it was even trickier since she had no proper training, other than knowing it involves moves that resemble waterbending more than firebending.

Still, she was pretty sure it wasn't just the wind that was making the campfire dim a little when she tried it.

"They're on the move!" Haider slapped the floor of the cave a few times to get Kota's attention, then pointed.

She crawled up behind him. Sure enough, Iden and Ara were heading off the dock and down toward the beach. The boat pulled the ramp back up and sailors started to untether the ropes. "They're not going with the boat?"

Haider formed a fist. "Wherever they're going, they won't get far. Fucking traitors."

Kota frowned at him, confused. "Just checking... you're calling them traitors?"

"Yeah, because they left me to die. They're traitors. Why?"

She was genuinely impressed that he didn't see the irony. "Nothing. Just checking."

They both watched the two small figures walk up the beach and start climbing a small rock formation.

Then the rock formation stood up. Then it started flying.

Haider leapt to his feet. "What the fuck! What is that!?"

"It's a dragon." Kota said quietly. The dragon looped around the boat once, then flew back towards town, its spread wings briefly blocking the sunlight as it passed overhead. Kota was mesmerized, and climbed out of the cave to watch it go further. But her heart sank when she realized where it was going.

She dropped back down into the cave so quickly she almost twisted her ankle. "Hade. They're going toward the Air Embassy." She said, terror in her voice.

Haider absorbed this for a moment, then quickly started kicking out the fire and gathering a few small weapons he'd made. He whistled for Ennis to stand up. "Let's go boy."


"If you all cooperate, no one will get hurt!" Ara shouted, tightening his grip on the young female airbender. He held a metal piston to her temple while she cried.

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