F: Suley

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[The next 18 chapters make up the Finale or Final Battle, they are all pretty short chapters so not full, official chapters, but they work better when parts of a whole scene rather than one big chunk. So the scenes of this finale start with "F:" and are much shorter than regular chapters don't worry]

"What do you mean a boat was stolen? Who's using a boat at this hour?" Suley shoved Ara away from the window to look for himself.

An advisor stepped forward, "It's approaching the passenger ships. Shall we send a fishing boat out to meet them sir, and find out what's going on? Perhaps a messenger hawk?"

Suley scanned the area around the boats. There's only one person who would be bending air into the sails like that. "No, I already know what's going on. It's the Avatar." He swore under his breath. "Prepare a battleship."


Suley walked briskly down the path toward the docked battleships, flanked by guards. A small figure ran at him from the side.

A guard raised a pointed spear at the young girl.

"Stand down." Suley muttered, barely even glancing at her. "What do you want?"

"I'm back." Iden said.

"From where, the bathroom?"

Iden stopped in her tracks. "I was kidnapped. For five days."

"Oh." He didn't even slow down as he walked right past her.

A few moments later, Ara rounded the corner of the path. "Iden!" He ran over and pulled her into a hug. "Where the hell were you?"


"Where are they? What did they do to you? Are you okay?"

She nodded numbly, still watching Suley. "I'm fine. I was with the Avatar, looking for her friend. What's Suley doing?"

"He's taking a battleship out to see what that sailboat's doing Seems a bit excessive to me."

Iden nodded. She looked deep in thought, but she wasn't really. The answers were on the surface, she just didn't want to acknowledge them until now. And she could tell Ara was thinking the exact same thing.

He shook his head. "I'm going to see what that boat is up to myself. You keep an eye on Suley. I have a bad feeling about him tonight."

Iden scoffed, "Just tonight?"


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