5 Minutes | Joshua

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You stared at him. Memorizing every detail of his face-his eyes, his nose, his lips. The way his eyes become smaller when he smiles or his gentle voice when he speaks. You want it to be deeply engraved in your memory, in your heart so you may never forget him, this moment nor those memories you shared with him. You want these all to last. Forgetting the fact that---Yes, that's right, forget about it. Joshua is all yours tonight. You must savor the moment.

"Yo, Josh. Let's go to the bay." You said, raising your hand to the waiter.

He looked at you, confused. "Why? I thought we're just going to have dinner?"

"Ah, you see...I'm full and I have to walk a little. You know for proper digestion." You reasoned. The waiter walked towards you and hand you the bill. You are about to pay when Joshua called the waiter's attention and said he's paying. You want to argue but this will be the last time Shua's paying for you, so you just let him. After paying, you two walked your way to the bay.

It was quiet and it bothers you a lot. You two have to talk. Talk about anything. Something!

"Aren't the bay---"

"You didn't call me to just have dinner." He said quietly. Plainly.

You moved your gaze away from him and stared at the sidewalk instead. "I called you so we can have dinner." you answered. "It just happened that I ate a lot that I have to have a little walk before we go home."

You heard him chuckled beside you. "Oh really?"


"I saw your plate and it seemed like you didn't even touch it." he grinned.

You finally reached the bay and you faced him. "I ate three spoonful and it made me full already. You can't force me to eat it all when I feel already full, Joshua."

He raised his hand in retreat. "Okay. You said so."

There was a complete silence. Both of you are just staring at the horizon. Listening to the sound of the sea and cricket chirping from somewhere.

"I'm sorry," you muttered.

"For what?" he asked, boring his eyes to you.

You released a hopeless sigh. "For calling you to meet me. I know you're busy right now. Preparing for--"

"It's fine. You know that you are a very special person to me." he give you a smile and stroke your hair that made your heart fluttered once more. You rubbed your chest. Typical Joshua Hong. Showering you sweet words and affection for a split second, giving you false hope that ends up in misery.

You smiled bitterly as you slowly removed his hands from your hair. "But not that special enough to be your bride."


"Oh, nothing. I said I'm going to miss you," you smiled a little.

He released a sharp breath. "Must you tease me too?"

Your face dropped after seeing his expression. "I just said I will miss you. Was that a tease?"

"You know this is one of dad's insane ideas."

"And you are happy to oblige," you frowned, staring at the sea covered by the darkness of the night.

"I just obliged," he said silently followed by a sigh. "I'm not happy."

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