Chapter 6

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It's a Friday, almost a week sense I seen everyone. My mother wakes me up to get ready for chemo. Another boring day of nothingness. I get dressed, putting on sweatpants a and a plain t-shirt. Throwing my hair up in a pony tail. There's no point in looking decent, everybody I see is old and I'm pretty sure they don't even remember what they ate for breakfast. I head down stairs for breakfast which is the boring, ordinary Cheerios. I pour a lot of sugar onto them sense they taste like cardboard, I pour some milk and begin to eat in silence. My mother is washing dishes from the previous night. She's been up for a while so she already ate. I finish and hand her my bowl.

I grab the keys and go to start the car. I love the feelings of keys in my hand but it's only a sour reminder that I still do not drive, my mother won't allow me. I sit in the passenger seat and wait for my mother to come out to the garage. It's a sad rainy day which makes me tired and ten times more depressed. The air is crisp and cold. She finally walks out all dressed up like usual. I don't understand why all she does is drives me and drives around until I am done. Maybe it's for a confidence boost, something which I lack on a daily basis. She puts the car in reverse and we leave.

We pull up to the hospital parking lot and we park. I get out and my mom waves goodbye, but I ignore it. I walk up to the building and walk in and do the usual. I set down on the mustard colored couch made for two people , but I'm the only one who ever sits here. The nurse gets me set up and I start my chemo. Thirty minutes go by and the nurse comes in. She usually never comes in here.
" There's someone here to see you Amber."
In my mind I was thinking, who would be here to see me.
"We'll let them in here."
She lets the person in and it's James. I immediately feel my face turn red as I blush. He smiles and sits next to me. I feel flutters and my stomach and I smile back.

" Hey Amber, your looking cute today!" He says with a smile, which of course makes me blush more.

I laugh my stupid laugh."Thanks James, but I'd have to disagree greatly.I wasn't expecting to see anybody, I would have at least tried if I knew you were coming."

"Either way you look great." There's and awkward pause in the conversation. I'm shocked by the things he says, I am not sure if it's flirting or if he's trying to be nice. I'm sure he is just being polite to me.

"So how's life been, we missed you at the academy."

"Very boring, I just sit here most of my day and twiddle my thumbs. Watch the old depressing people."

"That's no fun, what do u do when you aren't in this hell hole?"

"Same thing but at home, I usually sit in my room and read or sleep, sometimes I just sit their in silence. "

He laughs. Oh I love his laugh it's sweet but soft and not too loud or too much. I smile

"It's nice to spend some alone time with you Amber, it's good to get to know you better. I have always wanted to chat with you but I just , never did." He never did because he was too cool, I wasn't his type and all his friends would laugh at me.

"Well now you can." I smile and our conversation goes on. It's the usually conversation, asking about life and plans and that boring shit. My beeper goes off telling the nurse I'm done. James leaves and I get unhooked from my machines and leave as well. I wait for my mother outside. She pulls up and I get into her car and we go home. It is a silent car ride, like usual. The rain slowed down sense the morning but it is still coming down a little bit. I would watch the droplets splat on the windshield until we got home.

I got out of the car and as usual went straight to my room.

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