Chapter 7

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My mom is taking me to some sad support group type thing. She thought it would be good for me to socialize and get out more. I wasn't too fond about this whole idea of getting out. I'm not a social butterfly and I like to keep to myself. This won't help me at all, I don't see the point of going. I agree to go just because, it's worth giving it a shot. My mom says there's people my age their going through rough times like me. I doubt any of them were a day away from a big completion like I was.

I still get so angered about that. Why me , and why did it have to happen then. I wish it wouldn't have happend until after my competition. I heard Alex won overall, it doesn't surprise me. If I would have gone I'm sure I would have kicked her ass, but I will never know. I'm sure I'm done being a dancer, by time I build up my strength I will have to restart. By then I would have been graduated.

My mothers voices break my thoughts.
"Lets go Amber, we're going to be late!"
I grumble as I drag my self down the stairs and we leave. It's a 15 minute car ride to some old school house that's pretty much abandoned 5 minutes out of town. We pull up and there's 3 teenagers standing outside, waiting for something. I sit in the car u ill my mother forces me to go. I shut the door and my mother drives off. They all look at me, there is 2 guys and a girl. I laugh in my head thinking , wow some support group. I walk up to them and a short girl with pink, purple, and blue Ombre hair to her shoulders, A hoop ring in her lip and a self done tattoo of two small guns crossing on her wrist comes up to me.
"Hi, I'm KT, welcome to this fucking support group."
I laugh and say hi only so I don't seem rude.
"Hi, I'm Amber."
" So what kind of freak disease do you have?" I'm taking back from the way she talks, as if she don't care, she rubs off as a rebel kind of person, the side of me I've always wanted To discover.
" I have Leukemia."
"Oh that simple, common shit. That's nothing compared to what i have Meningioma, some rare cancer. It's a brain tumor."
She laughs it off as if it's a joke, yet it's deadly she could die this very minute. It's wierd!

We wait for a few more minutes and this slim bald lady comes up to us and greets us. She unlocks the building and we walk in. We take a seat and KT offers me to sit next to her so I do. We go around the circle and introduce ourselves and says a little bit about us . When it comes to me I don't say much I say my name and tell them the type of cancer I have and then KT speaks. She laughs off her tragic story and says YOLO. Everyone laughs besides the bald lady who's name is Jessica, she had cancer and her hair won't grow back.

She looks at us and moves to the next discussion, child hood memories.I don't have much memories worth sharing from childhood, I had a rather rough one. I was adopted from Germany and lived a very poor life for a while. I was 10 and my family put me in Ballet I didn't like it much at first but I learned to love it. Everyone says I am a natural so I got put into he academy in NYC. Once again my thoughts get disrupted and KT speaks.

" I crashed into a car when I was little. I hopped in my parents car and put it in reverse then BAM. That's what this scar is from." She pulls up her sleeve and there's a rather large scar on her arm.
"It was awesome, now I have this epic battle wound." Nobody seems to be surprised by her story. She must be one of those rebellious, trouble makers.
Others share their story's and I just zone out, not paying attention sense it is quite boring. We get a break and KT and I chat. I think we are becoming friends, that's cool. We all leave and it's just KT and I. It's a bit awkward because we don't exchange any words. My mother picks me up and I go home.
" who is that girl you were talking with."

"Her name is KT. She's nice."

"I'm glad you are making some friends."
After that it's silent.

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