Whenever I can

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I'm back with another chapter. STAY SAFE, PEOPLE! If you live anywhere where it's very likely to get bad, like China, or Italy, or USA, or Iran, then stay safe. WASH YOUR HANDS.

I folded the note up, placed it within my phone case, snapped it back on my phone and raced out of the room. Catherine was downstairs, and none of my friends were in their rooms. I knew I could talk to one person.

I ran upstairs and looked back and forth for a moment, trying to figure out which door Piper had gone into.

I lingered outside one of the doors and decided to follow my gut instinct. I opened the heavy door embedded with crystals and found myself in a giant library that looked very much like the one back in Spy School.

"Ben!" Piper called as soon as I entered the vast library. "Over here."

I walked over to where she sat down with a book open. She patted the small chair next to her, gesturing for me to sit down next to her.

"So," she began slowly, "not hungry?"

I nodded. "I still can't shake off the feeling that she's gone."

"She'll be fine," Piper said, handing me a book. "Here. This has like, the best plot ever. It's about a girl who-" she began, but I cut her off.

"I've seen this book before. I've always wanted to read it, but I've never gotten the chance to." I flipped it open, and for the next hour we read in absolute silence.

As I read, though, I occasionally looked up. "Hey Piper?" I called.

"Mhm?" she replied absently, not looking up from her book.

I stood up and walked past the bookshelves to a smaller area with more shelves, only the books didn't look like novels. "What's that place?"

Piper stood up, placed her book down and caught up to me. "I honestly don't know much about it," she answered. "My dad's office is combined with that section of the library where he does...stuff."

"Oh." Our conversation ended right there, but I made a mental note to survey that area later. It looked like an excellent place for recon.

"Anyways," Piper resumed, opening her book up, "I have to go do my homework."

"Homework?" I repeated.

Piper looked at me like I was crazy. "Yeah, I'm homeschooled."

"That's nice." I opened my book up again, and noticed that the last sentence from one of the pages was missing. It looked like it had been ripped. "Hey, what happened here?"

Piper walked over and examined the book. "I don't know, I think something got ripped out or whatever."

I glanced over at the page. Figuring that it was the least of my worries, I closed the book, placed it aside and stood up as well. "I have to get going too."

She flashed a smile. "See you later."

"Wait!" I called out. "I totally forgot to talk to you. I came to talk, but I got carried away, I guess."

"Go on," she urged.

I reconsidered showing her the note. I didn't know if I could completely trust her, so I shrugged it off. "Never mind. I think I forgot."

She didn't even suspect me for a second. "Let me know when you remember what you forgot."

I smiled, and she walked away. Before closing the door, she nodded subtly at me. "Feel free to come in here whenever you want to, Ben." With that, she hurried away as fast as her heels could carry her.

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