Final Author's Note

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Final Author's Note

This book is over! This is my fourth Spy School Book, and the fourth time I express my gratitude. I don't even know how I can thank you all for reading my books. I mean, MY BOOK out of all the other AMAZING stories out there. Honestly, I wasn't expecting so many views. Thank you for the positive comments, votes and compliments. Everyone asking me to update kind of gave me a goal in mind: FINISH BOOK BEFORE MAY, and here we are!

I'm really glad I could finish this with such positive readers who appreciate my work for how it is.

I'm not done, though. I have an exciting new fanfiction on its way! It's quite different, and as much as I really want to reveal some of it, I can't, because that would spoil it. Keep your eyes open for any announcements! I will post an Author's Note for my new book on May 1. The first chapter may take a while, but that way you guys can find my book first.

Thank you all once again, and I will see you very soon!

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