How to Steal One's Heart

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Last Chapter!!!!! I mean, I'm sad, but I've finished yet another book! Don't worry, there's quite a big epilogue coming.

Erica's POV

"...bye," came a distant, faded voice, and I woke up to a very familiar voice. It took me a moment to realize that I was still in a hospital. The person who was by my bedside wasn't Mom, but Dad. Behind him, Mom was curled up in a ball on the chair in the corner, snoring softly.

"Look who's awake," Dad said with a sly smile. "Shhh. Your mother just fell asleep after my desperate attempts to get her to rest."

I groaned. "When...when did you get here?"

"About four to five hours ago," Dad replied. "Bad weather. My helicopter ride took quite some time."

I tried to move, but my leg sent a shock of pain through my body. I yelped in pain, but Dad covered my mouth with his hand to muffle the sound.

"How long until my leg's recovered?" I asked.

Dad sighed. "Doctor says three months plus a month of physical therapy. You've broken quite some bones, toes and torn some tissues."
I swore under my breath. "Great."

"Hungry?" Dad asked. "You're allowed to have apple juice, a banana and bread with the crusts cut off."

"A banana should do me fine," I said. As Dad handed me my banana, I moved a little too quickly to the side, and the bullet wound in my abdomen sent a piercing pain through my body, making me cry out in pain.

Mom snapped awake. "Erica!" she cried, getting up and running over to me. "Are you okay?"

I tried to nod, but I was too busy biting my lip to keep the pain in.

"Catherine, you need to rest," Dad said slowly. "I'm here for her. You haven't slept a wink."

Mom was sleepy, so she let Dad guide her back to the chair. "But what about you?" she asked.

"I slept through the helicopter ride," Dad informed her. "I'll be fine. You sleep."

Then he turned to me and raised his eyebrows, asking me if I was okay. I silently nodded, and he walked back over to me.

"You know what? I'll just have some apple juice instead," I said. "Not really hungry at all."

Dad nodded, taking the banana from me. "I'll go get some juice."

"Erica!" Zoe cried, throwing the door open. She ran in, followed by the others. "You're awake."

I smiled weakly. "Yeah. Never felt better."

Dad smiled. 'You guys stay with her. I'll go get some juice."

"We already did," Jamie said, coming forward with a glass of juice. "We thought you'd like some."

"Thanks," I said, sipping from the cup. Everyone crowded around the bed.

"Did you...did you tell her?" Zoe asked Dad.

Dad was silent. I sat up a little straighter. "Wait-what? Tell me what? What happened?"

Everyone's expressions darkened. I scanned the room, but no one dared to meet my gaze. That's when I realized that no one had told me anything about Ben yet.

"Did he-did he...Ben...did he survive?" I asked slowly, my fingers trembling.

Dad slowly spoke up. "I'm...I'm so, sorry, Erica."

"He's...he's in...a coma," Cynthia said slowly.

He's not dead. That's all that came to me. "He's...he's not dead."

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