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As the United States began to feel the grip of Covid-19 around its ankles and wrists, I wondered if we would follow the examples of China, Italy, and other countries experiencing the illness's effects.

I wasn't worried initially. I was callous and apparently still retained the arrogance of my youth. I'll be fine. Most cases are mild. It's the elderly and immunocompromised who need to worry the most. But that is an ignorant and callous statement. The truth is that we all have a responsibility toward our fellow humans. If I'm not careful, I could infect someone. That person may not be so lucky.

As the virus spread and thousands of people fell ill, I changed my attitude. I stocked up on some canned goods like soups and beans and fruits and pasta. I bought some extra lunchmeat and crackers and juice. I checked my medicine cabinet and bought some cold medicine and cough drops. I bought an extra package of toilet paper since I was almost out anyway. I thought, if I'm quarantined for a month, I should be fine.

I live in West Virginia, the last state to have a confirmed case. West Virginia isn't known for being a healthy state. In fact, it's in poor health. It has extremely high rates of diabetes and heart disease and cancer. The water is polluted and the ground is poisoned from industrial exploitation over the last century. People are poor here, especially in rural counties that coal abandoned. They have limited access to healthcare.

I live in a small but growing community.

Here is what I experienced...

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