Update, July 2020

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Well, here we are. The US is still in the grip of a virus that the rest of the world has figured out how to control.

The US opened way too soon, in my humble opinion. West Virginia opened in stages over the course of May. Masks were never mandatory. The masks still aren't mandatory, just strongly recommended. Only recently have businesses started requiring masks here. I remember seeing on the Walmart app that masks were required starting July 20. When was that? Oh, nine days ago.

Some places had limited the number of people allowed in the store at one time, but I never saw it enforced where I live. My local Dollar General has a policy where everyone must take a sensor, but only 21 people are allowed in the store at once. Very often there are more than 21 people in the store. Earlier this summer, there were people counting customers at Walmart, Tractor Supply, and Kroger, but I didn't see it happening for more than three weeks. However, I had to go to Ohio in June. Since I had to be there anyway, I decided to swing by Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. I prepared my list for several days. I remember waiting outside both places until it was my turn. I was glad to see people waiting in good spirits, patient, and polite. They respected social distancing and wore masks. It was a relief. I'm sure some places here in West Virginia are following rules. At least, I hope there are.

When I do go shopping, I still can't find Lysol. I have found a few other substitutes and so far things are working, but I cannot wait until I have Lysol again. I can also find a steady supply of toilet paper! Recently I found some hand sanitizer, so I had to buy some. At least where I live, shelves aren't so empty and things are stocked regularly.

All over, people touched the shields protecting cashiers. People did not properly wear masks, or wear masks at all. Social distancing meant nothing. Arrows on the ground were ignored. No one covered their mouths when they coughed or sneezed. They complain about wearing masks "and all this stuff." They claim it isn't making a difference, or it's a hoax. After all this time, after all of the deaths and crippling effects of recovery, and after the hell we've collectively been through, so many people still believe it's all fake. It makes me so angry.

I drive past packed ball fields and events on the weekends. I wear my mask all the time, even to the park to take my dog. I try to go early to avoid most crowds but I do love to sleep. People stare at me like I'm crazy as I pull my mask up when we cross paths on the four-foot-wide gravel trail. "You're outside, you're safe, it's fine." I'll see to my own safety since so few people follow the mask recommendations now, thanks. I would rather be safe, but maybe I am too paranoid.

Someone close to me said recently that they still go out to bars and restaurants almost nightly. Nightly! "We eat outside! It's just us." I asked who the others hang out with, and how many people the restaurant staff see per day. This person got angry and told me that "you can't stop living your life."

You can if you're dead.

I didn't say it but I wanted to. It seems like so many people don't get it or they are so blind because it hasn't affected them.

A few months of quarantine is, was, nothing compared to what we are in for now.

Hospitals are already at or near capacity again. We still don't have a vaccine, but it's getting here. Millions of people are still out of work. Congress can't decide to help the people or help themselves.

We are staring down the barrel of back to school and an election. Kids and teachers and university students are going to spread the virus. The host of social issues that have been exposed by the 'rona is too extensive and mangled to discuss here, but there is no easy fix. For some, staying home is not an option. In a few months, the holidays will be upon us. Even if we shut down, *right now*, for three months, the virus may still be a factor at Christmas.

I've been back at work for some time. I enforced new health and safety guidelines at work when we needed additional crewmembers. No one was infected when they arrived and no one became infected while they were working for me, but I noted several problems and loopholes in company policy. On the other hand, we were able to go back to work and provide work for people who needed it.

It's been over two years since I cut my hair. I badly need a haircut, but I won't go. Every morning I twist my hair into a bun or a braid. Two of my coworkers were desperate to get haircuts and have been two or three times, but I don't think it's worth it. On the other hand, stylists need to work. I did have to have blood drawn for some tests, but I was thoroughly tested before I entered the building. I order groceries online in bulk as much as I can. I have gotten really good at planning menus and getting enough snacks and limiting my trips. If I need to go, I maintain my distance and wear my mask.

I am cautious and worried, but some may say I'm paranoid or overly concerned. Maybe this is my personality, but I'm still not hopeful. I would love to get away for a weekend, but it's not safe and I don't want to be part of the problem. I don't want to take chances. I don't want to get the virus nor give it to someone else.

Is this the new normal? When will it be safe to go to restaurants and bars? When can we return to breweries, the zoos, movie theaters, museums, and libraries? Some of these places are already open, but, they are not totally safe.

Is the wearing of masks set to become part of our wardrobes? How many companies have already profited from masks? I've seen so many 'designer masks' for sale and the prices on other masks jacked up. Capitalism at its finest. Fear drives profit, I suppose. But why shouldn't they? Crafty people on Etsy and others also have to make money, and it's ripe for the picking.

No one wants to stop living their lives, but it's better than dying. We can shut down, yes, but how will people survive? How will we buy groceries and medicine? How will we keep the lights on?

There is no easy fix, and I still don't feel much hope. I guess we'll see, won't we?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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