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I've been seeing an article floating around about the privilege of isolation. At first I brushed it off. No one is safe from this virus, but the more I thought about it and the more I watched the news, yeah, I'm privileged.

I am able to work from home as long as I am not conducting fieldwork.

I have vacation time and sick time. I haven't used it for this because I haven't needed to.

I do not work in retail, sales, food service, health care, or hospitality. I do not work in civil service. I work in energy.

This doesn't mean I'm not worried. I am worried. I haven't been out of my house in a few weeks, barring work trips to Ohio and Kentucky last week. I have a grocery list going for the next time I have to go, but I have enough food to last for awhile longer. I do have this privilege of staying home. It doesn't feel like a privilege, but it is. I get to stay home and work. I could also rephrase this... I still have my job. I have insurance. I have PTO.

I am not out there risking my life today like the people at the hospital and at the grocery stores. I used to work retail, but I left the industry a few years ago.

I am grateful for them all. I remember what it was like when we were out of stock. I remember when things didn't ring up correctly. When credit cards didn't work. When the lines were long. When something wouldn't scan. When the customer couldn't find something. When the coupons were expired. When we were understaffed. I remember when the truck didn't arrive on time, didn't have what we needed. Customers turned angry, mean, and condescending.

And that wasn't during a pandemic. That was a normal day.

Essential workers are just as scared as you are. They need supplies for their families. Their lives and livelihoods are in danger.

We live in scary times. I hope that more people will recognize their privileges if they are in a similar situation in being able to work from home. I hope people will continue to be safe and compassionate. This isn't over.

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