Beginning of The Road To Evil

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Rapunzel had called together a group meeting the next day,

"I'm assuming you all know what this meeting is about?" She asked.

Eugene looked up at his hair, that still stood straight up with green powder.
he frowned crossing his arms.

Cassandra elbowed him in the ribs,
"No one cares about your hair FitzherJERK!" She smirked

"OUCH!" Eugene rubbed his side, and shot Cass a look.

Rapunzel separated the two,

"Look, I know all of you guys have been getting on each others nerves lately,..but that's not what this meeting is about." She said.

Lance was eating a banana,
"Is it about food?"

"No lance! It's not about food." King Frederick snapped.
"But if it was, you would be sent to exile for stealing my cheese plate!"

Lance gulped.
-well, actully swallowed the banana-

"What is this meeting about Raps?"
Cassandra asked, curiously.

"Well" Rapunzel said.
"Its about Varian."

Everyone groaned, except Eugene..he was surprised that VARIAN would ever be the subject of a royal meeting.

"He's different than when he came to me for help." Rapunzel explained.

Eugene booed, "who cares?"

Cassandra mocked,
"Its called maturing, Raps..which I think Eugene knows NOTHING about!" She smirked at him.

"No seriously guys, he's quieter than normal." Rapunzel said sounding worried.

Eugene made a joke in his head.
'You can plan a murder and still be quiet.'

"I can't help but worry that something Is wrong.."

Eugene put his hand on Rapunzel's shoulder,
"Look blondie, I know you care about Varian, but I think you just need to give him some time, after all.. the kid just lost his father.!"
Eugene sympathized.

Rapunzel leaned her head on his shoulder, "yeah, you're probably right." She smiled.

"But I'm still going to check on him" she said, kissing Eugene before she left.


Varian sat at the table in his room, he was mixing dangrous chemicals to create a poison. When he heard a knock on the door and the evil just vanished out of him..

"Come in" he said, sitting on his bed.

"Varian," Rapunzel said, looking around the room.
"I just wanted to check on you..
Because you've been quiet lately.."

It made Varian glad that Rapunzel cared about him.
"I'm fine." He answered, looking at his hands, which were starting to clench, but he stopped himself.

Rapunzel looked at him with her big green eyes, she looked sad.
"Varian, what have you been doing all morning?" She said, looking at the table full of alchemy supplies.

Varian looked at her blankly, and just blinked. "I actully can't remember.."
He said, walking over to the table reading the alchemy notes he had written down.

He looked at some of them..he didnt know why, but ONE in particular stood out. 'Truth potion'
He read in his head.

Rapunzel walked over and he shut the notebook, he didnt know why, he had nothing to hide from Rapunzel.
Or at least he thought!

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