Getting Help

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Varian wiped the tears from his eyes,
And an angry expression appeared on his face.

He ignored his father's confort.
And ran straight for Rapunzel for help.

And he mentally prepared himself,
Just in case the princess turned him down again..

He reached the castle,
And since he was the Royal Engineer, the guards didnt stop him.

He ran up to Rapunzel,
"Princess!'s Vera!" He said out of breath.

Rapunzel gave him a concerned look,
" everything ok?"

Varian looked extremely afraid,
"My sister...Vera....she's....she's..."
He broke into a sob..

Rapunzel pulled him into an hug.
"Varian...what happened?"

He sniffed, wiping the tears from his eyes.
"She..she's gone.."

"What do you mean she's gone??"
Rapunzel gripped her hands on his shoulder's, and looked him in the eyes.


Rapunzel stared, blinking back tears.

"Someone built an automaton, and attacked Old Corona...we went outside
to see what is was...and it grabbed her and threw her onto the ground..and it killed her...!"
Varian cried.

Rapunzel couldn't believe what she was heard...
"I'll help you Varian, I promise..I just..dont know how.."

Varian smiled,
"You can?"

She said, running her hand through her short brown hair.
"But in order to bring her back...I'll need the Sun Drop again..but I sent it back up to the heavens."

Varian blinked,
"Wait...I have an idea.."

"What is it?"

Varian grinned.
"Try doing the Sundrop incantation.."

Rapunzel cocked her head,
"But I don't have the Sundrop's power anymore.."

"Well while I was researching the Demanitus Scroll, I found out that whoever possessed the Sundrop or Moonstone, still has the power even if they dont have them anymore.."
He explained.

Rapunzel just blinked at him.
"Can you summarize that..?"

"You still have its power.."
He anwsered.

"I what? But my's not.."
Rapunzel was confused.

"Well you know how you saved Eugene with your tears back in the tower?" Varian said.

"Yeah...wait so you're saying I can still do that?" Rapunzel grinned out of excitement.

"Yes..just please hurry!"
Varian said, urging her to follow him.

------------------1 hour later----------------------

They reached Old Corona,
And Varian had forgotten just how much blood that was pooling around his sister.

He looked away, tears filling his eyes again.

Rapunzel saw her and immediately started sobbing.

(Which made it perfect so she could use her tears on Vera)

She let a single tear fall onto her lifeless, pale, face.

And almost immediately, Vera woke up, rubbing her head and groaning.
"Wh-what happened?"

She then jumped as she realised that she was sitting in her own pool of blood.

Varian ran up to her and gave her a big hug.
"I-I thought you were gone f-forever!"
He sniffed, burying his head in her shoulder.

Vera comforted him.
"Dont worry..I'm here now..and I always will be!"

Rapunzel interrupted their conversation..
"Hey guys...I think I know who built that automaton that did all this.."

Varian's head whipped around, with
an angered and pained look on his face.

"Someone still doesn't forgive you...for what happened a little over a year ago.." Rapunzel sighed.

Vera blinked,
"Who is it?"

"If I'm right..then the person who did"
She hesitated.

"My father."

Varian and Vera gasped.
"Your in the KING!!?"
Vera stared.

Rapunzel shrugged,
"He found Varian's old automaton blueprints a little while ago..
And he still holds a gruge..ever since you kidnapped the Queen..
So he went to have Xavier make it.."

Varian freaked out.
"He INTENDED to kill Vera!!"

" dad would NeVeR!
I think it malfunctioned.."
Rapunzel anwsered defensively.

Varian stood up, leaving Vera's side.
"Then let's go get some anwsers."

Rapunzel nodded her head, and motioned for them to follow her to the castle.

But the king had made more than ONE automaton...and he WoUlD get his revenge on Varian..since his first attempt failed...

And the King had a plan B,
And it started.......with Varian's father!

Lol sorry about the angst guys
(Then again I feel bad about leaving the last chapter like that too)

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