.01 Sammie and The Fujioka's

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The sound of music pumped through my head phones as the car traveled through the city. The back seat of this cab was pretty crammed with all my bags. But this is my chance. My chance to become big, to be a somebody. Hopefully.

It was drizzling outside. Not enough to pour, but the cool rain drop sent small chills through my skin. Sticking my hand out the cab window, the chill rain and air felt amazing.

"Uh, miss, please keep your arms in the cab please." The driver eyed me from the rear-view mirror.

"Ah, sorry." He turned back to the road.

I wonder what this family is going to be like?


"We're here miss, would you like some help with your bags?" The driver asked as we parked at a small apartment complex.

"No thank you, I appreciate it though." I smiled, grabbing my things and handed him a few spare dollars for a tip.

"Thank you. Save travels." He bowed before leaving.

I grabbed my things and started looking for the right door. Standing outside the second floor in front of a door. I opened up the letter informing me of my temp family. The Fujiokas.

They sound nice enough, just a dad and his daughter. Crossing my fingers, hoping that they wouldn't be some crazy wicked people.

Before I could knock, the door had opened up and there was... Ms Ryoji? They looked at me for a split second and she held out her hand with a warm smile.

"Hello! You must be Samantha!! It's so nice to finally meet you!" She squealed, I couldn't help but giggle at her cheerfulness, I shook her hand and nodded.

"Yeah that's me, but please, call me Sammie."

"Alright then Sammie, come on in."

The place was very homey. Small and cozy.

"So I understand that you have a daughter too?" I asked while my eyes explored.

"Yes, Haruhi's at school right now so you won't be able to meet her until dinner. I'm sure you two will get along great." She smiled.

"Thanks miss-"

"Oh I'm so sorry! Please if you would call me Ranka. Its the name I use for work. Ryoji is my sir name." He smiled.

"Okay, Ranka."

"Well come in and make yourself at home. Take a seat, I'll grab you a beverage." She walked into the kitchen and I went into the living room, sitting in a chair.

"Here you are, we're out of tea but we do have water right now."

"Thank you."

There was a moment of silence. I guess we were both trying to figure out where to take the conversation. It looks like Ranka was thinking the same and started the questionnaire.

"So your file said that you have pets?" I nodded, opening up my pet carriers and pulled out my fluffy brown and white hamster.

"This is Hammy."

A giant black scorpion.


And a duckling.

"And Ducky." I smiled wide.

I think Ranka was speechless.

"My... those are..."

"I know what your going to say. I'm crazy for keeping so many pets and a scorpion." I predicted.

"In a sense but not crazy. Just, surprised is all." She swear dropped.

"Oh, okay." I responded unsure.

"So tell me about you now." I changed the subject.

Ranka told me pretty much her life story. About his late wife, Haruhi, and just about everything. I felt like I've known her longer than just a few hours.

"And that just about it, how about yourself?" I've been dreading that question.

"Well-" the door opened and a girl with a pixie cut wearing a suit walked inside, looking very similar to Ranka. Ah, this must be Haruhi.

"I'm home dad-" she looked at me and smiled then giving me a wave.

"Hi there you must be the Exchange student?" She asked. I nodded.

"I'm Sammie." I shook her hand.

"Haruhi." She shook back.

Then we looked at Ranka who stood just beside us, trying to contain her excitement by shaking, lips quivering. Then finally it happened.

"Awwwww!! You too are going to be like sisters!!! I'm so excited!!" She cried happily.

I was kinda dumbfounded and confused but held myself together.

Well, at least they're welcoming and nice.

I followed Haruhi to her room and saw it neat and clean. Nothing seemed out of order.

"Sorry its small, but I hope it works." Haruhi said while closing the curtains.

"Its great. Thank you."

"So this is my half on the right and dad and I cleared out that side of the room for you."

I walked to the empty left side and started to set my bags down on my new bed.


"Aww, I didn't know you had pets." Haruhi smiled while looking at Ducky through her carrier.

"Oh yeah, that's Ducky. You can hold her if you like." I opened the carrier and placed the duckling in Haruhis palms.

Ducky started moving up and down while flapping her tiny wings and peeping. It looked like she smiled and had tints of pink on her cheeks and Haruhi looked at her.

"I think she likes you." I laughed.

"What do you think Hammy?" My eyes went up as Hammy was sitting on top of my head while eating a piece of celery.

He gave a thumbs up.

"So what's school like? I know with my program I'll be going to the same school as you. Are they all a bunch of rich snobs?" I asked while putting away the finally things. All that was left was my guitar case.

"No, some but most of them are very nice." She explained before eyeing the black case with colorful patches.

"You play?" I felt electric jolts up my spine, making even Hammy jump, al.kst losing his celery stick.

"Ha! What? Noooo!" I quickly threw a flannel over it.

She wasn't convinced.

I bent down and sighed.

"Yeah but I'm shy about it."

"I can tell. But it's nothing to be ashamed of."

"I know, but still." I stared at the casing.

"Well hey it looks like it's late, I'm going to turn change and turn in." I changed the subject, changing into my pjs and put Ducky and Hammy in their homes before laying in bed, turning my lap off and closing my eyes.

"Good night Haruhi."

"Good night Sammie."

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