.04 The Incident

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Why did I say ok?

Why did I agree to this?

This place is like a strip club but without stripping!

Everyone was at their own section, serving beverages, snacks, sweets, and flirts.

Tamaki was flaunting all the flirt and love.

Kyoya was smooth by talking cool and well... smooth.

Mori didn't say much, but the girls went nuts when poor Honey asked him for a bandaid.

Haruhi was the only one who actually talked to these girls like a normal person.

And then.... there were two....

"And he jumped out of bed screaming like a little child haha." One of the twins said embarrassing the other.

"Hikaru! Don't say that I'm not a chi-"

"Oh Kaoru, be careful what you say we still have some games to play at home and you don't want me to punish you early now do you?" Hikaru said while tilting his brother's head up and stroked his neck up. The girls went nuts, screaming and begging for more.

"I'm gonna throw up." I mumbled to myself holding my mouth, my cheeks puffed and green.

"What's wrong, Sammie, bored already?" Tamaki appeared beside me out of no where, sitting beside me.

"Eep!" I squeaked in surprise, feeling a jolt up my spine.

"I uh, I'm okay!" I sat up straight my cheeks now red and felt the sweat drop down my temples in embarrassment.

"Are you sure princess, you look a little green."

"I'm fine, I'll just grab some water. And please don't call me princess" I felt my bag start to shuffle.

"Come on princess-"

"I said dont call me princess." I said feeling the anger.

I got up and started making my way towards the kitchen but felt a hand on take my wrist, it was that idiot.

"Sammie did I do something wrong?-"

I felt my body electrified at the moment he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from walking away. And here I was. Anxiety hitting me all at once. I hated to be grabbed.

My heart rate started to speed up and I couldn't find my voice. I mean I barely even knew the guy.

I dont know what happened... No that's a lie. I know what happened next. I saw it, and so did everybody else.

My bag shuffled and out came Hammy. Up onto my hand and then in mid air, his eyes with fire and holding his celery stick like a baseball bat.

The next thing I knew, Tamaki was down. Fallen back and crash landed onto a table which shattered among impact. Broken glass from the China and tea stains all over him.

I quickly grabbed Hammy in my hands hiding him.

"Oh my god Tamaki!!"

All of Tamaki's guests and more had hurried over and circled him. Tending to him and helping him off the ground. Then I met their demon eyes. The air went stiff for me. I didn't mean for this to happen.

"What is wrong with you!?"

"What did you do!?"

"What did Tamaki do to you!?"

"I'm sorry" I whispered through the screams.

All the girls screamed at me. I didn't mean for this to happen.

I didn't bother grabbing my bag, I just ran out the door, avoid everyone's gaze, including Haruhi's. I sprinted down the halls, down the stairs, and outside. I kept running until I was out of breath.

I fell onto my knees next to a super market and held in my voice. People passed by me like I was some crazy tweaker.

I opened my hands and Hammy crawled out and stood on the sidewalk in front of my knelt body. I retracted my fingers, curling them in and sniffled. I felt his tiny paws on my knuckle. I looked at him, tears in my eyes and cried.

"Why would you do that? He didn't do anything wrong..."

I couldn't yell. It wasnt my nature. He didn't mean it after all. I sat up cross cross and let him walk onto my palms and into my hoodie pocket.

It started to rain. I pulled up my hood and I pulled out my phone maps to guide me back to Ranka's.


By the time I came back into the residential, the street lights had turned on and the rain continued to fall. I walked up the stairs and opened the door. The apartment was empty. He must be working.

Haruhi's shoes aren't here either. She must still be at the school, or almost home at least.

I took the advantage to shower and get to bed before anyone got back.


I walked out of the bathroom and back into Haruhi's room, still empty. I fed my pets and plugged in my phone with my headphones. Right then I heard the front door open and shut and I heard footsteps coming closer. I jumped into bed, pulling the blanket over and plugged my headphones in and turned towards the wall. I didn't even get a chance to pick a song, guess I'll wait...

-Haruhi POV-

I knew I'd find her here.

Laying on her bed facing towards the wall listening to music. I'll just let her rest.

I remember dad telling me about her before we agreed to let her stay, that she has anxiety attacks and is on medication. I couldn't have been able to tell before. But now... I hope shes okay.

I know Kyoya is going to have something to say about this, I was in such a rush after the club that I didn't bother waiting for the guys or listening to them talk about Sammie.

The door knocked and I saw dad poking his head inside.

"Hey there, is she okay?" He asked pointing to Sammies sleeping body.

"I'm not sure she was asleep when I got here, it's a long story."

"Kyoya called."

Of course he did.

"Give her time, it's a new world here than America."

"I know. Hey dad," I want to know more about her.


"Ur, nevermind" Maybe nows not the right time.

"I love you Haruhi." He smiled before pulling me in for a hug.

"All Sammie has out here is the two of us. And it's our job to keep her safe."

"I know dad. I will."

-Sammie POV-

I squeezed the blanket and bit my lip, feeling my eyes starting to water up. That was the first time, someone wanted to keep me safe.

I just hope it lasts.

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