.05 Club

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I was the first to wake the next morning, Haruhi was still asleep on her bed, so I quietly grabbed some clothes and made my way to the bathroom. Twisting the nob in the shower until water started to come out.

I stripped down out of my blue spongebob pajamas and stepped inside, feeling the warm water attack my pale skin. It felt nice.

I was always told, a shower after a day like yesterday, it's the best way to wash all that away and start new.

Peep peep

I opened the shower door and saw Ducky waiting oh so patiently.

"Uhh, well hello there early bird." I told as she just walked right in and joined me. Weirdo.

After washing my hair and body, it hit me. Schools going to be a nightmare. All those girls, Tamaki, the guys, everyone... I'm at the top of their shit list.

I slid down the wash tile and sat on my butt, staring at my reflection on the twist handle. I'm not ready for today.

I looked back down at the happily peeping Ducky, the water falling on her like rain, her flapping her little wings and dancing around. I couldn't help but smile.

I sat there thinking for a little longer and then turned the water off. Wrapping a towel around me and walking to the sink, Ducky following me. I smirked and picked up my duckling and put her in a filled sink. Watching her go crazy as I dried my long lime colored hair, pulling it into a messy bun and changed.

Wearing a black yellow dress shirt and blue high waist bootcut jeans, and slipping on my ninja turtle vans.

I decided that today was not the day to wear makeup, I have a feeling like I'm going to cry and it's going to be rough later. Maybe only a thin layer of foundation to hide the redness away.

I walked out of the bathroom, with Ducky in a small hand towel, trying to dry her off.

"Your such a perv, you know that?" I asked and she peeped louder.

The light shined from the bottom of the door in Haruhi's room, shes awake. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in"

I walked in and saw her getting her shoes on and putting in her contacts.

"Morning." I said quietly.

"Morning." She repeated.

I put Ducky back in her cage and fed her and the others.

"You know, Tamaki's not mad." I shot up at her.

"Wait, huh?" I gargled on my words.

"If anything he feels bad."

I clammed up and stared at the floor,  remembering yesterday in detail.

"Why's that?"

"He didn't mean to invade your personal space; Tamaki Senpia is a nice guy. I would try and talk to him. It was an accident, right?"

"Of course." I nodded.

"Just talk to him."

"And what about the others?"

"I didn't have time to talk to them,  so I'm not sure. I wouldn't worry too much about them. "


Classes were over and it was lunch period. I decided to skip and make it to the music room. Crossing my fingers that I would meet Tamaki there first before the others.

I opened the door and poked my head inside, empty.

I sighed and pulled the door all the way open and walked on in. I guess I'll wait.

I looked around admiring the pink and white fancy room. It felt like a palace in here. So spacious, so elegant, so- is that a piano?

I noticed the snow white grand piano with gold accents. I walked over and tapped my finger on one of the keys.

The chirp of the high note echoed the room, along with the low note that groaned.

I looked around and noticed that I was still alone.

"I shouldn't."

Then something started moving around in my shirt around my chest and out came Hammy.

"Seriously dude?"

He stood on the book hold using his celery as a staff and pointed at the keys.

"Look dude, I'm already in enough trouble and your not exactly helping." I folded my hands together and sighed at him.

He just continued to point down at the keys before us.

I sighed.

"Well, no ones here yet..." I debated before sitting down.

There is one song...

I took a deep breath and pressed down on low keys and started to play, and just as I was about to open my mouth to sing, I saw Hammy look over behind me and thats when I looked at the reflection from the gloss of the piano and saw Kyoya and Tamaki.

I stopped with my spine tingling and stomach full of butterflies. I grabbed Hammy and shoved him back in my bra.

"H-Hey..." I turned around with a stutter.

"Hello Ms. Grover." Kyoya said casually.

"Why hello Sammie, what are you doing here? Club doesn't start for another hour." Tamaki questioned.

"Actually, I wanted to see you." I said while rubbing my shoulder.

"Me? Really?" He smiled, showing off his pearly teeth.

"I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean for-"

"Ms. Grover if I may intervine." Kyoya interupted.

"Because of yesterday, we had to close early and we have lost a days worth of profit. Not only that but you injured not just a student here at Ouran Academy, but the son of the chairman."

Oh fuck me

"With that said, your apology isn't enough to sustain the incident that was created yesterday. Apologies don't fix all wounds."

"Kyoya." Tamaki interupted.

"I understand what your trying to do, but it was an accident. And I forgive you." Tamaki turned to me and smiled, his violet eyes shimmered for a second.

"Your such an idiot." Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

"Accident or not, your have to pay for the damages."

"Huh? Ohhhhh" I looked over at the trash bin and saw the glass and what was left of the coffee table.

"A grand total of 22 million yen."

I think I threw up a little in my mouth.


"But there's a simple way to solve that." Tamaki smirked. His princely charm turned.

"If you cannot pay with money you can pay with your body,"

Say what?!

"You can be the Host Clubs dog replacement." He smiled aloud with flowers blowing from behind him.

Gotta be kidding me...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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