.02 First Day At Ouran - Part 1

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Maybe it was jet lag.

Maybe it was because I love to sleep.

Whatever it was, I was most definitely not a morning person.

Haruhi's alarm clock started buzzing and going nuts. I tried hiding under the covers, trying to avoid all noise and the worst part...

"Come on Sammie, its five thirty."

Oh my god, the suns not even awake

"Can I not?"

Then she pulled the covers off me and I just hugged my bare body. Using my hands to rub my eyes.

"See that wasn't so hard." She said walking over towards the light switch.

"Haruhi, wha- what are you doing?"

This can't be...

"Well we have to see to get ready." Her hand touched the switch.

"Haruhi wait-wait, I-I'm not ready for this!" I begged.

Sweet Charmin not like this!



"Alright, crepes, sweet rolls, and fresh orange juice. I hope the girls are-"


Ryoji stood straight with a confused expression on his face, the pitcher of juice shaking on the table.

"It seems that we have a night owl than a morning person." He smiled turning his head to the small shrine across the room.


God I hate when people do that.

The two of us walked out of the room and into a wonderful morning smell. The table was set and had a whole breakfast laid out.

"Oh wow!" I gleamed with happiness.

"Wow your mood changed quick." Haruhi said.

"Good morning girls!" I hope your hungry!! Ranka came out from the kitchen with a smile.

"Okay but we have to hurry or else we'll miss the train." Haruhi explained and we started to eat then left towards the train.

I must have been gaining lots of attention because I kept smashing my face against the glass looking at everything in awe.

"Sammie, people are staring."

I pulled away and turned around to see most of the train staring and then quickly going back to what they were originally doing. Thinking that I hadn't noticed.

"Um sorry." I sat back down, holding onto my knees.

"Your just excited."

After we walked out and through town Haruhi pointed to a massive pink school.


"That's Ouran."

"This place is ginormous."

"Oh hey! Before we go inside. There's something that I have to tell you."




"What do you mean everyone thinks your a- you know what I see it now." I pulled my finger off my chin and pointed at her figure.


"So lemme get this straight, your telling me until you paid off your debt then you have to keep pretending to be a guy?"

"Pretty much."

"That's messed up."

"I don't really care to be honest. After all its what's on the inside that counts rather than what sex we are."

"You can't argue with that." I rolled my shoulders back with my hands in my pockets.

"Anyways, your schedule is the same as mine so just stick with me and you won't get lost."

"Thanks, that's real nice of you Haruhi." I smiled.


"Alright class settle down, we have a new student joining us today. Please welcome Miss Grover." The teacher introduced. I stood their with butterflies in my stomach.

"H-Hi. I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sam or Sammie." I smiled, trying to hide the stage fright.

"Alright Sam, why don't you go sit beside Kaoru and Haruhi." Teach pointed to Haruhi and a guy with orange hair. Wow.

I made my way to my desk and sat down.

"I'm Kaoru it's nice to meet you." The orange hair guy smiled. I smiled back.

"H-Hi." I squeaked making him laugh.

"So Kaoru, where's Hikaru?" Haruhi asked.

"Whose Hikaru?" I asked.

"My brother. He's helping our mom with something. He'll be back for club hour so the boss doesn't blow up." He snickered.

Huh? He has a brother. Well brother or not, you can't mistake that face..

What am I saying!?!?


Great, I lost Haruhi. Figures I mean a heard of girls came barreling down and snatched her from me.

I sighed.

She said something about a club, maybe if I search around I can find her. I flipped my phone open and I went blank. I don't even have her number.

"Alright then, I guess it's up to you Hammy." I opened my bag and there was my little fluff ball sleeping with a his celery stick in hand.

"Hey, Hammy, wake up. Come on I don't know how to find her." I kept poking him until he sat up and looked at me. Then took a bite of his celery.

"Please Hammy. Maybe they have food?"

Hammy ears perked up and he jumped into my palms, holding onto my fingers like joystick on the xbox. I started making my way around, him turning my fingers to direct me on where to go.

"I swear, you remind me of a video game character. Like a pilot or something."

Squeak Squeak

When I looked up it was too late. I bumped into someone head on. I looked up and saw Kaoru.

"Oh sorry Kaoru-"

"I'm not Kaoru. And watch where your going."


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