Bank Robbery

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I was just reading a book about chess. At that time, I was becoming more interested with chess, so I bought a book regarding chess and tried reading it. I don't necessarily understand everything in the book, but I understood the basic tactics and the rules of the game.

I heard a knock on my door. I felt a little irritated being bothered when I was trying to learn about chess, but I calmly walked to the door and opened it. It was Officer Brooks.

Officer Brooks greeted me, "Good evening detective."

I replied , "Good evening, Officer Brooks. I presume there's a case for me to solve?"

Officer Brooks replied, "You know it. Will you help us?"

I said, "Of course. Let's get straight into it."

I grabbed my coat and walked with Officer Brooks to the crime scene.

On the way to the crime scene, Officer Brooks gave me an overview of the case, "Detective, what happened this time is a robbery. A bank was robbed. The robbers left some clue, but we were unable to pinpoint their location. We need to find the money and the robbers."

I asked, "Where is the bank located?"

Officer Brooks answered, "Not far from here. Some twenty minutes walk and we'll reach it."

I asked, "How many robbers were there?"

Officer Brooks answered, "We don't know. The bank staff answered that there was a lot of robber. They didn't count how many robbers there were at the time of robbery."

I asked, "Did the police chase the robbers?"

Officer Brooks answered, "No. When one of the bank staff managed to slip away and came to the nearest police station, we came to the bank as fast as we could. When we arrived by carriage, the robbers were already gone. We have no idea where they are, or who they are."

I asked, "How long did it take to get to the bank from the police station?"

He answered, "Five to eight minutes should be more than enough."

I wanted to ask more questions, but Officer Brooks told me it's better if we arrive at the crime scene first, so I decided to keep my mouth shut until we arrive at the crime scene. On the way there though, Officer Brooks and I talked about the weather.

I said, "The weather has been very dry lately, hasn't it?"

He replied, "It sure is, my wife's garden is becoming dry. She usually only have to water the plants every week once, but recently, she has to water the plants everyday."

I spoke, "The hot weather has also put me off from going to the coffeehouse. When I leave my door and see the sunny weather, I changed my mind about going to the coffeehouse. Staying indoor kept me from the heat."

He said, "Lucky you, patrols have been giving me heatstroke."

Our talk shifted to other topics as well. I brought up the topic chess and officer Brooks said that he didn't really like chess. When I asked why, he said that he could never win a chess game against his junior in the police station.

Time passed and we reached the bank. The bank was pretty big, quite fancy as well. There were potted plants on the outside of the bank. There is also its name of the bank written in big letters in front of the bank with its logo next to it.

Officer Brooks and I entered the bank. Inside, there were many policemen. I saw Officer Mark, two men wearing a suit, and another man with the bank's staff uniform.

One of the man in suit said, "Officer Brooks! You're back. Is that the detective next to you?"

Officer Brooks replied, "Yes, he is the detective."

Detective Richard HermanWhere stories live. Discover now