Terrorism Incidents

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What an nice day. That was what I thought to myself whilst reading a book at home while it was raining outside. Then I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it could be, since outside was raining.

I opened the door and saw Officer Brooks with an umbrella.

Officer Brooks spoke, "Good afternoon, detective."

I replied, "Good afternoon, Officer Brooks. What brings you here?"

Officer Brooks said, "Before I answer that, may I come in?"

I spoke, "Of course! Come in!"

Officer Brooks came in. We talked in the living room.

I asked, "So, why did you came in this rainy day, officer?"

Officer Brooks spoke, "The police needed your help."

I said, "The usual, huh? What happened this time?"

Officer Brooks replied, "Have you heard the terrorism incidents?"

I answered, "I have. Their methods were dreadful. They would hold people hostage and demand things. They also attacked a police station in another district, didn't they?"

Officer Brooks spoke, "That's right. Currently, there have been three cases of terrorism in our town. It's not many, but flushing them out now would be better than later."

I nodded in agreement, "Better pluck their roots now before they grow into a tree."

Officer Brooks chuckled, "Exactly, we don't want to give them a chance in garnering their strength. Taking them down all at once would be much more convenient."

I asked, "Alright. So, why would dealing with terrorist make the police require my help?"

Officer Brooks answered, "We need you to do some inquiring on these terrorist. We need to find the location of their hideout and catch their members."

I spoke, "I see. Has the army been called to deal with this terrorism?"

Officer Brooks spoke, "Some district has already have the army called, our district haven't. We don't have enough incidents to call in the army. But still, If we could deal with this ourselves before it gets bigger, we should. It's more favorable."

I agreed, "That's true."

Officer Brooks asked, "Do you know all the terrorism incidents?"

I answered, "from the newspapers, I know that they have damaged one of the river bridge in the district. They also burned a building not too long ago."

Officer Brooks replied, "How about the third one?"

I answered, "Well, I haven't read the newspapers. Did it happen very recently?"

Officer Brooks spoke, "Actually, it was an act of terrorism disguised as an accident. We already confirmed it. It happened yesterday."

I asked, "Hold up, so the public doesn't know it was an act of terrorism?"

Officer Brooks answered, "No, not yet. We don't want to give the public more worries, so for the time being, we are going to keep our mouth shut. We can announce it after we finish off the terrorist."

I replied, "I see. Well then, shall we get to it?"

Officer Brooks answered, "We shall. I will explain every incident a little bit. I would have preferred to bring you to the crime scene, but the rain will be a hindrance."

I spoke, "We'll talk about the incidents while waiting for the rain to stop."

Officer Brooks replied, "Of course. The first case is the attempt to damage the bridge."

Detective Richard HermanWhere stories live. Discover now