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Farkas simply followed Duna as she brought the dragon stone tablet back to the wizard. He tried not to, but the wizard was boring, so Farkas zoned out a little, just admiring Duna's features...

Several moments later Farkas's attention was drawn away from Duna as the Jarl's housecarl rushed in, requesting the wizard come at once... a dragon had been sighted.

Farkas was alarmed when she turned to Duna and told her to follow as well... what in Oblivion did they want with her? What was his little rabbit supposed to do against a dragon?

He followed closely and stood protectively behind her as they listened to a guard explain to the Jarl what he'd seen. Then the Jarl told his housecarl to take a unit of men to go see, and then... Farkas couldn't believe it... the Jarl asked Duna to go with them... sure she was an archer, but so were all the guards... just because she'd survived Helgen the Jarl thought she had the best chance... Farkas almost growled out loud when she, wide-eyed and terrified looking, told the Jarl she'd go. Couldn't that damn man see she was terrified? But then Farkas could smell fear and terror on all of them... 'cowards,' he growled silently to himself.

Farkas stayed close as they left the palace. Duna looked back at him with wide-eyes once the doors shut behind them. He could smell her fear. She'd been afraid to tell the Jarl 'no,' and now she was afraid to go face the monster that had nearly killed her a few days ago.

"Don't worry, little rabbit," Farkas said gently as he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I'm here to help." He couldn't help but grin at the grateful but surprised smile that spread across her face at that, but she still smelled terrified.

"Y-you don't have to, you know..." she looked at her feet, seemingly trying to hide a blush. Farkas half-stifled a chuckle. As if he could ever leave her to face a dragon with just the Jarl's men for back up... even if he didn't like Duna, his honor as a Companion wouldn't have let him pass up the chance to defend his home from a beast of legend.

"I know. Let's go bring honor to the Companions," he told her confidently.

"Alright," she replied in a shaky voice.

They followed the Jarl's Housecarl and the group of soldiers she'd gathered and they hurried out to the watchtower to the west of the city. Farkas was shocked to see the tower at least half destroyed and several fires burning on and around the rubble as they approached.

Duna crouched beside one of the large blocks of stone and readied her bow.

"Any suggestions, Imperial?" The Housecarl asked as she and several of the men scanned the skies.

"Uh..." Duna said slowly, "shoot it... avoid the teeth and fire..." she gave an exasperated shrug and Farkas resisted the urge to chuckle.

Then he could smell the dragon... it smelled almost like any reptile, but there was a more metallic scent to it... and the scents of fire and blood were unmistakable... and he could hear its wings on the air...

"Here it comes," Farkas warned, readying his own bow. Moments later the massive creature soared into view.

"Divines help us..." Duna muttered, "that's a different dragon."

"Huh? What's that mean?"

"That there's more than one of the damn things..."

Farkas didn't have time to respond to that, as the beast swooped toward them. He and Duna both fired arrows at it and then dove out of the way as the dragon breathed fire down where they had been crouched. Farkas got to his feet and fired another arrow at the dragon. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Duna do the same... the Jarl's men and Housecarl were shooting at it as well.
After several tense minutes of shooting their bows and diving out of the way to avoid being roasted, the dragon finally had too many arrows in its wings to keep flying and it crashed to the ground. It roared furiously, spewing even more flames and snapping at people with teeth the size of swords. Several of the Jarl's men rushed in with swords. Farkas pulled his hammer from his back and rushed in, hoping to find a weak spot in the scales near its neck... he got a few solid hits in, but then the dragon turned with much more speed than Farkas expected from a creature that size, and Farkas was tail-whipped directly in the stomach.

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