Visitors of the Past

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"Running away will never make you free."

-Kenny Loggins

Quiet is rare. It borderlines on suspicious in Katie's opinion. Katie stood at the nurses station that looked out to the ER waiting room that only held a hand full of people. Half of them were the familiar faces of some of the homeless residents displaced by the explosions who came in just to have a roof over their heads.

"Weird isn't it?" Ethan said appearing beside her and lying his head on her shoulder. "Just a couple of weeks ago this place was a mad house, now it's practically a ghost town."

"I guess that's what happens when you have the necessary tools to treat people and get them well enough to go home." Katie replied when she feels the man's hand slide across her back before settling around her waist. "I see you weren't paying attention during that sexual harassment seminar yesterday."

"Actually I did. Gave me lots of ideas." he said looking over to her and wiggling his eyebrows.

"How about this for an idea-" Katie grabs the man's hand and bends his fingers back eliciting a yelp of pain from the man. "If you touch me inappropriately again, I will make sure you're no longer able to pee standing up." when she released his hand, the man scurried to the other side of the counter.

"Not cool!" he says holding his sore fingers. "But I still love you girl." Katie jumped at him, and he quickly rushed away. She couldn't help but laugh at the retreating man. She once again turned back to the quiet waiting room, and just shook her head.

Her eyes went to the sliding doors as they opened, spotting Rebecca.

"You're here, which means I can go." Katie says with a small smile.

"Slow night?"

"Actually yes, and I would like to go before that changes." Katie says pulling the stethoscope from her neck and stretching a bit. "I'm going to go home, curl up on the couch and enjoying my day off tomorrow."

"That sounds like fun, but first I need you to come with me." Rebecca says grabbing Katie's hand and pulling her toward the exit.

"Where are you taking me?"

"You have a surprise." Rebecca says a bright smile on her face as she pulls Katie outside. Katie stands there for a moment unsure if she's really seeing what she's seeing at the moment.

"Is that-"

"A clown? Yes it is." Rebecca says as the man decked out in the full clown gear, orange hair and floppy shoes and all, walked over to her.

"Dr. Katherine Robins?" he asked and Katie didn't have any words, so she just nodded. "Alright." the clown turns and walks over to a boom box and a cardboard mat was set up. He pressed the play button and everything after that was pretty much a clown break dancing.

"Who the hell sent you a break dancing clown?" Rebecca asks unable to stop the fit of laughter that the sight was causing.

"Liver." Katie says a smile tugging at her lips as she slips her phone from her pocket.

Oliver was lounging back in his chair after a long day in the office, his eyes closed and his hands behind his head. When his phone rang, a smile came to his lips before he looked down to see the expected number. He was about to answer when Isabel walked into his office, much to his annoyance.

"Ms. Rochev, could this wait, I've been waiting on this call." Oliver says and yet the woman walks over and sits in the chair across from him sitting a file on his desk.

"Sorry Oliver, but since I'm forced to have you sign off on deals I make, you will not make me wait." the woman clicks a pen before sliding it over. Oliver looked down to his phone that suddenly stopped ringing.

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