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"Pain is something that's common to human life.
When we ignore it, we aren't engaging in the whole reality, and the pain begins to fester. "

-Karen Armstrong

The Starling City Police station was a place that just never quieted down. There were always phones ringing, and people talking, or yelling. There was always someone being questioned, and in that moment as Katie sat there right in the middle of it, she didn't hear any of it. Her eyes looked down to a random stapler trying to figure out at what point was her father's body removed from his grave.

Oliver's hand moved gently across Katie's back as he sat beside her at the desk. Katie rarely let her guard down, but in this moment he could see how upset she truly was.

"Hey." he whispered, leaning in so only she could hear him. "We are going to figure this out." she didn't say anything, or even give any reaction to what he was saying. "Twinkie—"

"Alright." Quentin said coming back to his desk to sit. He dropped a file on his desk and took out a pen. "I just have a couple of more questions." he glanced up to Katie whose focus was on the stapler on his desk. "When was the last time you saw your father's body?" she didn't move, or turn to him and Quentin sighed as he closed the folder. "Ms. Robins?" still just nothing. Quentin glanced over to Oliver who looked from Katie to him.

"Maybe we should do this some other time. It's been a long couple of days." Oliver said and Quentin just nodded.

"Sure, but at some point this needs to happen." Quentin said glancing across the station to where the two Metropolis reporters stood watching them like a hawk. "Those two are going to reveal this to the world and this entire city is going to start asking questions." Oliver looked over to the reporters, who turned away the moment he did.

"Their names are Lois Lane and Clark Kent?" Oliver asked turning to Quentin. It was less about curiosity and more about verifying it for when he would look into them later.

"Yeah, and for some reason they have their antennas pointed at her." Quentin said looking back to the woman who had yet to pull her attention from that damn stapler.

"And it was them who suggested the body be exhumed?" Oliver asked and Quentin nodded, once again looking over to the pair. "Why are two Metropolis reporters interested in what's happening in Starling?"

"No idea, but I would watch out for those two." Quentin said and Oliver turned back to him. "I looked into those two, and it's Ms. Lane you should worry about. She's known to dig deep for her stories. She may become a pest and I get the feeling—" he looked over to Katie. "Underneath all those bad jokes is a very impatient woman."

"Don't worry, I'll be looking out for her." Oliver said turning to Katie who suddenly sat up straight and looked over to Quentin.

"Do you have any leads on where my father's body is?" she asked.

"No, not yet, but—"

"What about when the body was moved?"

"CSI seems to think it's been a while. A couple months, maybe even right after he was put in there." Quentin said watching as the woman suddenly stood to her feet. "Look Ms. Robins, if you know something—"

"I don't know anything." Katie said honestly with a shake of her head. "But when I do, I'm sure you will also." she looked over to Oliver. "I want to go home now." he nodded, taking her hand before giving a nod to Quentin. As they headed for the door, Lois seemed to rush over to ask something, only this time Oliver saw her and moved to stand in front of Katie.

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