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What's meant to be will always find a way"

-Trisha Yearwood

This was it.

The perfect time.

Oliver's hand gripped the small box in his pocket as he looked over to Katie who was staring up at a wall of pictures.

"Marlo, tell me the truth." she said glancing over to the gray haired man next to her. "Is that really Robert De Niro?" the man chuckled with a nod.

"I'm telling you the truth. He came in one night, ordered a pepperoni and said it was the best pizza he'd ever tasted." Marlo replied and Katie just shook her head as she turned to the pictures. Her eyes landed on a familiar photo of her father, and herself that was taken so many years ago. She reached up and let her fingers slide across the glass. "You know some times I still stay open a little late on Fridays." Katie glanced over to the man. "Out of habit you know." Katie simply smiled as the man nodded before turning and heading back into the kitchen.

Her eyes stared at the picture for a while, before she felt strong arms wrap around her from behind. She smiled as she let herself fall back into his grasp.

"This was a better date." Oliver said against her neck as he trailed soft kisses along her skin. "If anyone asks this was our first date."

"Deal." Katie sighed as her eyes fluttered closed at the feeling of his lips.

"There's something I want to ask you." Oliver said and Katie simply nodded. "So I know we had this plan that we were going to wait before we made that next step, but it's just I don't see the point. For me, you're it." Katie pulled from his grasp and turned to face him. "So why wait anymore?" Oliver took a deep breath before taking a step back and falling to one knee.

"Oh my God." Katie whispered as Oliver held her hand in his. "Oliver—"

"One night I was forced to have dinner with one of my dad's business buddies and that same night I unknowingly met the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with."


"Sure she's annoying at times, and tells horrible jokes and she can't cook to save her life." Oliver laughed slightly as he looked up to Katie's eyes that seemed to be glistening with unshed tears. "But I don't think I've love anyone as much as I love you. So Katherine Robins will you—"

"Oliver stop." Katie says dropping to her knees in front of him and placing her hands on his shoulders."I'm sorry."

"Twinkie, what—" there was a sudden sound of a bird chirping and Oliver glanced up to find the source.

"I wish this was real too." Katie said and Oliver turned back to her noticing how far away she seemed be getting.

And that's when it happened. Oliver's eyes snapped open, immediately seeing nothing but a blue sky above him. He turned his head seeing that he was surrounded by nothing but trees. Oliver quickly jumped to his feet, a move that proved a bad one when he stumbled a bit. His hand shot to the back of his head that felt like he was hit by a truck. He spun around, finally realizing why the place around him seemed so familiar.

"Mr. Queen, good you're awake." a voice spoke from somewhere. Oliver spun trying to find a source, but he couldn't find one. "Before you ask, no, I'm not there with you. I'm sitting comfortably, as far away from your hellish island as possible." Oliver stopped searching and just stood there." So how does it feel to be back there? I know you came back when you decided to punish yourself, but I would figure this time is a little different." Oliver closed his eyes trying to remember the moments before waking up on this island and suddenly a face flashed in his mind.

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