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"Some people have a difficult time facing truth and reality.

They prefer to live in a make-believe world,

pretending that certain things aren't happening."

-Joyce Meyer

Everything in the world has a cause and effect. An action followed by a reaction. Oliver had told Katie that her biggest fear was closer to reality than she realized and now three weeks later he finds her in the kitchen, cooking breakfast and even swaying her hips to a song that's playing from the radio. It had been like this everyday since he's told her and he's not sure exactly what it means. This was definitely not the reaction he was expecting. When he walked in closer, she turned to him with a smile.

"Hey, good morning." she said walking over and placing a quick peck to his lips before going back over to the stove. "I'm making blueberry pancakes, and they actually look kind of edible this morning." For a few moments, Oliver thought he was dreaming.

"Twinkie are you alright?" he asked walking over to her and she turned to him with a furrowed brow in confusion.

"I'm great." she replied with a wide smile before looking back down to flip her pancakes. "You want to set the table. These should be ready in just a few." he stood there for a moments trying to find some indication that she really wasn't alright, but he couldn't. He guessed someone who is as good at hiding their feeling as Katie is, wouldn't have much problems. Oliver just shook his head before walking over toward the table, just as the doorbell.

"I got it." Oliver replied before heading to the door. He wasn't sure who it could be since he distinctly remembers telling all their friends to only call them for emergencies. He wanted to give Katie enough time to process all of this, and at the moment it seems that's the last thing she's doing. Oliver pulled open the door and glared at the man standing in front of him whose eyes seemed to be on his cell phone. After a few moments the man lifted his eyes and just groaned under his breath.


"Oliver." Jeremy replied before trying to walk past the man, but before he could slip into the house, Oliver threw up an arm to stop him. "What are you doing?"

"She's not seeing anyone today." Oliver said simply and the glare Jeremy sent him deepened. "Come back in a couple of days.

"A couple days, what—" Jeremy shook his head and began trying to see inside. "Did you do something to her you son of a bitch. I knew you Queens were crazy, and I tried to tell her, but she wouldn't listen." Soon he spotted Katie walking toward the door.

"Why are you here? I thought we had an agreement that your visitation to my home stay limited." Katie says standing beside Oliver.

"Well you're not answering your phone and I wanted to make sure this ape man didn't kill you and bury you in the backyard." Jeremy replied ignoring the looks from Oliver. "Plus a call came in yesterday about a possible merger I think we should consider."

"Merger with who?"

"Luthorcorp, they're centered in Metropolis and—"

"I know what Luthorcorp is all about and the answer is no." Katie replied simply.

"Are you not even going to hear what I have to say?" Jeremy asked. "This could be big for us, and I think they're serious about it too. The CEO himself flew in and he's sort of in the car right now." Katie's eyes widened as she stepped back into the house, moving to stand behind Oliver. "What?"

"Lex Luthor is waiting in your car right now?" Katie asked glaring over to her cousin and nodded. "And you thought bringing him here, at this time of day to my home was the smart move?"

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