Light In The Darkness

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"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."

-Desmond Tutu

Darkness...true, pure darkness leaves absolutely no room for light. That is the single reason why giving into the darkness inside was so dangerous. Katie was never taught how to control it, or how to keep it at bay. She was taught to survive, and in surviving every ounce of darkness she had inside of her was for that purpose and that purpose only.

So now, as she stares at the old pesticide factory, she imagines the threat to her survival waiting inside it's four walls. In this situation, Katie was not the person needed. And so she closed her eyes and let out long slow breath as she decided in that moment to give into to the darkness inside of her.

"There's a way inside on the east side of the building. An opening in the skylight. We can get in and we'll have the element of surprise." Sara says walking over to Katie who still had yet to open her eyes. She looks over to Bruce who silently watches the woman between them. "Katie?" no response or acknowledgment comes from the woman.

"Nura," Bruce's gravelly voice says and Katie lifts her head and turns to Sara.

"The element of surprise is only useful when it's possible." Katie turns back to the building. "He probably already knows we're here." and with that woman begins walking toward the factory.

Once inside they all split up, hoping that coming at Al-Owal from all sides would help their chances of beating him. Katie sifts through the shadows above the factory as the sound of clanking metal echoes around her as she looks down to the assassin as he sharpens his sword.

It's not unusual for Katie to flit in during the many sparing sessions that happened in the league fortress. There wasn't much to occupy her time and so Katie found amusement any way she could. None of them said anything to her as if she weren't even there. One day Katie strolled into one of the sessions and discovering a brutal spar between two of the men. She grimaced as one of the men seemed to dominate the battle, punching and kicking far too quickly for his opponent to catch up. Katie watched his final move, he wrapped his arm around the already beaten opponent's neck and held it there until his eyes fluttered closed before letting him fall to the floor with a thud. Katie's first instinct was to go in there and make sure the man was ok, but the moment her feet moved a hand caught her arm stopping her. She turned to see Nyssa with a quirked brow.

"Let me go, I need to-"

"You know at some point you're going to have to accept that there is no Dr. Katherine Robins here." Nyssa said before releasing her hand and walking away. Katie turned back just in time to see two other men drag the unconscious man out of the room. Her eyes drift to the supposed winner who stood surrounded by his league brothers.

"Who's next?" he asked spinning around to eye each man. "I think I still have a little fight in me." the grin on his face did something to her, made her angry. She doesn't know why, but his attitude, his arrogance was something she suddenly wanted to knock down a peg or two. Once again Katie took a single step before her arm was caught. This time when she turned around, she was met with the disapproving gaze of Bruce.

"You're definitely not ready for that fight." he muttered before pulling her with him. Katie looked back to see the man still searching for his next opponent, a grin on his face.

"Who is he?"

"He's the first." Bruce replies looking back to her. "No one beats him."

Katie knew he was aware of their presence, and so she decided that skulking was definitely unnecessary at this point. Her foot only took one step before she heard something above her. Katie lifted her head just in time to see a familiar green hood wearing vigilante silently repelling down beside her. The moment his feet touch the floor, he turned to her and though he didn't say anything, the dark look in his eyes spoke volumes. Without a word, Oliver reached into his quiver and pulled out an arrow, before placing it against his bow. Katie should stop him, because she knows that a surprise arrow won't be the thing to takes Al-Owal out, but she doesn't stop him figuring he needs to see for himself just how good this guy is. Oliver released the arrow, but just as it was about to hit the man, Owal turned and caught it in his hand.

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