The Moment

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"One of life's most painful moments
comes when we must admit that we didn't do our homework,
that we are not prepared."

-Merlin Olsen

It was a moment Oliver wasn't sure he would ever find, and in all honesty he wasn't sure he was ready to find, and yet here he was. Sitting on a toilet seat, in one of the many large bathrooms of the Ritz Carlton. After the whole ordeal with Slade, Jeremy, and finding Roy practically dead, Oliver suggested staying at the hotel for a few days as sort of a vacation away from all the craziness. Granted it had been only two days, but Katie and Oliver seemed all too happy to focus on each other and nothing on the outside of the walls around them. Though it was the beginning of day three, where Oliver awakened first to the room illuminated by sunlight, with the woman lying beside him when it happened. He glanced over to her, and that's when it happened. The moment he admitted to himself that this is how he wanted to wake up every morning. He felt that feeling he thinks he's been waiting for and so he climbed out of bed and slipped into the bathroom where he now sat staring at the open ring box he thinks he's finally ready to use.

"Should I be worried about the amount of time you're spending in there!" Katie called and Oliver quickly stood to his feet. He glanced over to the door before looking back to the ring, with a smile coming to his lips before he grabbed the box and slipped it into his pocket. When he finally came out of the bathroom, he found her standing near the window, looking out at the rising sun, wearing nothing but his shirt.

"Don't tell me you have food poisoning, because I lied when I said I didn't eat some of your chicken when you were on the phone." Katie said and Oliver chuckled appearing behind her and wrapping his arms around her waist. She sighed contently as his lips met her shoulder, moving to the crook of her neck. She turned around in his arms, leaning forward to bring her lips to his, and in a swift movement he lifted her up and brought her over to the bed, laying her down. They finally pulled apart when the need for air was too great. "So no food poisoning. "

"No." Oliver replied, his voice husky and filled with so much want. He laid there above her just staring into her eyes.

"What?" she finally asked, and yet Oliver continued to silently stare, which only annoyed her. "Seriously, what?"

"Why were you my friend?" Oliver seamlessly asked randomly,but to him it was a question he was dying to know the answer to. Katie looked at him, trying to determine if he was serious or not and from the look on his face, he was. "I was a jerk, which we've determined already, but you stayed, why?"

"I don't know." Katie replied seeing how important this answered seemed to be from the seriousness on the man's face. "I guess when you care about something, it takes a whole lot to make you walk away and for some reason you being a jackass just never did it." she reached up, placing a hand on the side of his face, a soft smile coming to her lips. "Maybe I had hope that we would end up right here." she let her thumb, fall to his bottom lips. "Why are you so interested in all of this now?"

"I don't know." Oliver replied once again meeting her lips with his. The kiss once again became heated and it seemed it would only lead to one place that neither would stop. Or at least that's what Katie thought until Oliver once again pulled back, leaving her breathless and confused.

"What?" she asked once again. And Oliver stared at her, the glint in her eyes, flush of her cheeks, her parted swollen lips and this was it. He knew without a doubt that this was the moment.

"Will—" suddenly his phone on the nightstand began vibrating and Katie glanced over, but Oliver just looked to her.

"Your phone is ringing." Katie replied turning back to the man.

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