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Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now."

-Mattie Stepanek

Oliver stood in the basement of the club looking utterly amused at the sight in front of him. Katie and John sat crossed legged on the sparring mat, their eyes closed meditating. He didn't expect the sight when he walked in, which made it that much more bizarre. Soon high heeled feet rushed down the stairs and Oliver turned to see Felicity who looked slightly flushed.

"Sorry I'm late, I kind of was—" she turned to see John and Katie as well with wide eyes. "I missed something."

"You're not the only one." Oliver says turning back to the pair. "Should we come back later when you two are done!" neither one of them said anything and Oliver simply quirked an eyebrow before walking over. "Guys—" he appeared behind John about to reach out and touch his shoulder, but the moment he did John quickly grabbed his hand before he could. John opened his eyes and turned with a slight smile on his face.

"It worked." the man muttered with a shake of his head.

"What worked and can you let go of my hand now?" Oliver says to which John complied.

"This meditation stuff, I thought it was craziness, but it really does help you listen." John says before turning to Katie who still hadn't opened her eyes. "I guess it helps with other things too." They both stared at her for a few moments until her eyes opened and she turned to them.

"When did you get here?" she asked looking over to Oliver before looking back to see Felicity. She furrowed her brow before looking down to her watch. "Shit!" she yelled before jumping to her feet and running toward the bathroom, grabbing her bag as she ran.

"So I'm confused." Felicity said sitting her things down and heading over to her computer.

"She has her quarterly meeting with RI today and she's going to be late." Oliver says with a shake of his head. "Which means she has a lecture from Jeremy waiting for her." he turned to Felicity who seemed to be staring off into space. "You alright?"

"Uh yeah." she replied turning to the man with a strained smile. "I just didn't get much sleep last night. So everything is set for tonight. All you have to do is show up."

"Great." Oliver says turning as the bathroom door swings open and out runs Katie who's now in black pencil skirt, and white blouse with one arm in her blazer as she holds her heels in the other. She was about to rush by him, but he moved in front of her to block her.

"Move Liver, I'm going to be late." Katie says trying to move around him, but he just continues to block her, so she stops takes a deep breath and meets his eyes. "Hi."

"Hi." Oliver replied before taking the shoes from under her arm so she can pull on her blazer fully. Once it's on he leans forward to kiss her.

"Ah ah!" Felicity interrupts before their lips can touch. "We've talked about this. I think you guys are ridiculously adorable, but the PDA is getting nauseating."

"I second that." John says now standing to his feet with a bottle of water in hand. "We're all for Twiver around here, but in moderation."

"Whatever."Katie mutters turning back to Oliver, reaching forward to grab her shoes from him. "Hopefully my cab is here. I told them I'd pay triple my fare if they really here in five minutes."

"Cab? I was going to take you." Oliver says pulling back her shoes from her reach.

"Uh, Oliver—" Felicity says and the man turns to her. "Why do you think I'm here, right now?" Oliver looked at her for a moment before it hit him. "There it is."

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