Tea Burns

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[ Slight NSFW ]

Sitting on his couch and sipping his steaming chamomile tea peacefully, Obi-Wan Kenobi finally took in a relaxed breath for the first time in a while. Council meetings, missions, and negotiations have kept him extremely busy throughout the month, and has left him severely fatigued. He's exhausted, and he desperately needed this day off. No distractions, no stress.

Sunrise had always been a calming setting for Obi-Wan. It brought a serene atmosphere along with it, which allowed him to meditate and clear his mind easily. Finally at a state of peak comfort, he let a content sigh escape his lips. This was a perfect break. It's just what he needed.

Unfortunately for Obi-Wan though, his tranquil moment was brutally shattered by a raging former-padawan.

Barging through the door of Obi-Wan's quarters, Anakin stomped over to his former master and threw himself onto the couch right next to him.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, and hissing at the burning of the hot tea which spilled on his pants from Anakin's sudden intrusion, Obi-Wan glared at him. "What's so wrong that you had to storm in here on my day off?" Obi-Wan asked, walking to his room to change into a new pair of pants.

Anakin followed. "The goddamn council. They're always watching me; like they're just waiting for me to fuck up. It's insulting." He crossed his arms like a child and huffed.

Obi-Wan rummaged through his drawers. "Anakin, I know it can be frustrating, but please, have faith in the council." He lectured and sighed while looking up at the taller male. "And can you please turn around or something, I need to change!"

Instead of turning around, Anakin took a few steps closer. He breathed in Obi-Wan's ear. "Change, then."

Obi-Wan's face got unbearably hot. The sudden attitude change was surprising, nonetheless. "For fucks sake, Anakin." His hands dropped his new pair of pants and pushed Anakin away. "I'm serious, I need privacy!"

Anakin chuckled, and placed his hands on Obi-Wan's waist, bringing the smaller male closer to his chest.

"Anakin, I'm not joking around. I'm uncomfortable in these pants. They're wet and hot and sticking to my thighs." Obi-Wan resisted as much as he could, but froze when Anakin, again, brought his lips down to Obi-Wan's ear. He whispered, "Take your pants off, then, right now."

Much to Obi-Wan's surprise, the taller man was the first one to retract. He stared Obi-Wan right in the eyes; which, of course, intimidated him, like it would do to anybody there to meet the gaze. Anakin repeated, "Take your pants off, then," his voice much raspier now.

Perhaps it was the fact that Obi-Wan knew Anakin wouldn't leave that led his fingers to the waist band of his pants, dragging the high-waisted fabric down to the sides of his clothed hips. Here he hesitated, feeling the latter examine his every move. His cheeks grew red again.

His boxers showed as his pants dropped lower. Then his thighs. Next was his knees. Obi-Wan only looked up at the taller male when his tea-soaked pants were at his ankles.

"Look at you," Anakin cooed, stepping closer again to the smaller. Obi-Wan bent down to retrieve the clean and folded new pair of pants on the floor.

Before he could step into one of the pant legs to hurriedly dress himself, Anakin grabbed his wrist, and stopped him. "Wait Master, don't we have to clean you up, first?"

The latter gasped as Anakin bent over, wrapped his arms beneath his own thighs, and lifted him up.

He carried the older out of the room, and to the small, conventional kitchen that the Jedi Master owned.

He then placed him on the marble counter. "Anakin, this is too much," Obi-Wan muttered, putting his hands on each side of him, and attempting to jump off the counter.

The latter hushed him, grabbing his waist and pushing him back on the counter again, as he went to the sink to wet a piece of cloth with cold water to treat Obi-Wan's burnt thighs.

Obi-Wan groaned. "I can do this myself, you know."

Anakin chuckled. "Yeah, but isn't it nice for me to take care of you every once in a while, Master?"

He returned back in front of his former master. With a delicate touch, he placed the cold rag onto the latter's burns. His fingertips danced along the soft yet scarred skin of Obi-Wan's thighs.

Obi-Wan hissed at the contact of the cold cloth and his burns meeting with pressure. He couldn't believe he was allowing himself to be treated like this. This was absolutely absurd. He is perfectly capable of doing this himself!

He should've pushed Anakin away, should've made a snarky remark, and should've kicked him out of his quarters. But he didn't.

"Almost done," Anakin hummed, apply the last bit of pressure with the rag to the burns. He smiled contently as he retracted his hands.

Before Obi-Wan could comprehend what was happening and resist, Anakin gave the smallest and quickest peck to both thighs.

Obi-Wan's face grew red for the thousandth time. He couldn't get any words out, his mouth laid agape.

His former padawan spoke before he could get the chance to scold him. "There you go, master." He shot a tiny smirk towards the latter, and pulled the new pair of pants up Obi-Wan's legs and stopped at his hips.

Obi-Wan cleared just throat. "That was," he paused. "Interesting." He finished, and hopped from the counter, and hurried away from Anakin. "Now, can you please leave, so I can enjoy the rest of my day off?"

Anakin chuckled. "Of course," he said as he walked towards the door, but he ruffled the latter's neatly parted hair before he could leave.

Before Obi-Wan could scold him, Anakin had already left.

ur welcome I finally updated :)

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