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"Kriff." Obi-Wan cursed as he felt Anakin leave soft kisses across the skin of his pale neck. "Anakin, stop. As much as I'd love to, we can't do this right now. We have to protect Senator Organa—"

"I don't care about the Senator right now." Anakin snapped, nipping at Obi-Wan's collarbone.

"Oh dear," the smaller grunted as he was pushed up against the wall. "You do realize that the Senator could come through those doors any second, right?"

"I realize that you want to risk getting caught." Anakin chuckled darkly as he brushed his lips against Obi-Wan's ear. "Look at you, you're blushing."

It was true, Obi-Wan's face was flushed, and the thought of possibly getting discovered by anyone excited him, shamefully. His strawberry blonde hair was a mess, it fell into his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Anakin's neck and allowed the taller to do whatever he pleased.

Anakin continued moving his lips across Obi-Wan's neck and collarbones, traveling to his shoulders with small nips and light kisses. He whispered amongst the fair skin, "I haven't even done anything to you yet, and you're melting in my hands already."

Obi-Wan just whimpered, his body becoming unbearably hot. Anakin broke his lips contact with the other Jedi's light skin, bending down to wrap his arms underneath Obi-Wan's legs, where he pulled them up to his hips and pressed him against the wall.

Obi-Wan slowly wrapped his legs around Anakin's waist, placing a hand on the back of the younger's nape as he pulled him in for a kiss.

The kiss was all but soft. Teeth clashing, lips pressed hard against each other, everything was aggressively passionate.

Obi-Wan gasped for air and Anakin kept smashing his lips onto the other's, desperately wanting to claim them for his own.

Obi-Wan placed a hand on Anakin's chest and pushed him away slightly. "Calm down." He said as he looked right into Anakin's lust-ridden eyes. "I'm not going anywhere."

Anakin nodded and kissed him again, going much slower than his previous pace, making Obi-Wan briefly smile in the kiss.

The younger tugged at Obi-Wan's tunic, digging his hands underneath the many layers of cloth before he found the hem of the latter's pants.

With a nod from Obi-Wan as confirmation, he slipped the pants down far enough for the smaller's entrance to be exposed.

Anakin did the same to his own pair of pants, slipping them down far enough to where only his member showed.

Obi-Wan wrapped his arms around Anakin's neck and buried his face in the younger's shoulder, trying to suppress the moans and whimpers in the tan skin as he felt a finger prod at his entrance.

When the digit slipped in, Kenobi couldn't help but let out a loud moan in the other's skin. Anakin kisses the male's neck before inserting second finger, and then a third, stretching him.

Obi-Wan nodded when he felt he was ready, whining slightly when he felt Anakin's fingers leave. He inhaled sharply later on when he felt the tip of Anakin's member brush against his entrance.

Slowly and cautiously, Anakin pushed in. Obi-Wan shifted, leaning back against the wall and looked at the latter with half-lidded eyes, before whispering; "Move."

Anakin grunted as he did so. He thrusted hard, all efforts of being careful were thrown out the window. Obi-Wan bounced, fingers clawing at Anakin's shoulders as he felt his member leave him for a split second before ramming back into him at such a fast pace.

Whimpers and moans escaped his lips as Anakin continued. Suddenly, he stopped, slapping a hand to Obi-Wan's mouth to cover it. Obi-Wan's eyes grew big.

Across the hall, he could hear a few troopers pass by, both looking for General Skywalker and General Kenobi to report back to.

Obi-Wan shot his eyes towards Anakin's face when he felt him moving again. "They aren't gone yet!" He hissed, which was muffled due to Anakin's hand.

Anakin retracted his hand and thrusted roughly, which made Obi-Wan whimper. The troopers both looked at each other. "Did you hear something?"

Obi-Wan's face grew red as Anakin continued to become more aggressive with his pace, thrusting harshly into the smaller Jedi. He was strangely silent as he did so, their clothes muffling the sound of skin slapping against skin. Obi-Wan could only bite his lip to suppress the moans that were threatening to spill out.

"Didn't hear anything, let's keep moving." The troopers passed by, both missing the two interlocked Jedi.

A sigh of relief escaped the older Jedi's lips, but it was soon replaced with another moan. His fingers found Anakin's curly hair and tugged at it as he bounced up and down against the wall.

Obi-Wan knew that the younger was approaching his climax because his pace quickened to an animalistic speed. Obi-Wan himself had came moments ago, the over sensitivity from the forceful thrusts drove him insane. His eyes rolled back inside of his head and a wobbly smile appeared on his face.

Anakin admired the way his former Master looked being so fucked out and full of pleasure. When he saw Obi-Wan had tears forming at the corner of his eyes, he came.

Obi-Wan cursed and grabbed Anakin tightly. He felt so full.

Finishing up, Anakin slowly put Obi-Wan down back on the floor, steading him. The older Jedi's legs were wobbly as Anakin's cum dripped down his thighs.

"I cannot believe you continued when they were just a few feet away." Obi-Wan panted.

Anakin just laughed in response as he pulled his pants back up, the smaller doing the same.

"I need a nap."

"We have to protect the Senator, remember?"

"Well if you wouldn't have fucked me senseless I would've remembered."

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