Neck Kisses & Ice II

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Two swollen lips later, Obi-Wan laid impatiently on the bed. Anakin had left a few minutes prior to go and retrieve something. Obi-Wan's curiosity grew, it became almost unbearable. He sat up, about to jump off the bed to go see what the hell Anakin was doing, but was interrupted by his former Padawan coming back in the room. Perfect timing.

Anakin examined him. Obi-Wan's usually neat and parted strawberry blonde hair was incredibly messy, his lips, which were partly hidden by his beard, were swollen and red from how hard Anakin kissed him. His eyes. His eyes were filled with want and desire. Anakin took in his whole appearance; Obi-Wan was beautiful.

Not being able to hold back, Anakin pressed his lips hard against Obi-Wan's, almost loosing control in the warmth that was the Jedi Master.

His metal fingertips danced across the smaller's back, increasing their pace when they felt their victim shiver. Obi-Wan continued to beg with a whisper in between kisses, "Please."

To Anakin, it appeared that Obi-Wan wanted him as much as he wanted Obi-Wan. His ravaging lustful desire to devour the man whole was only tamed by the soft kisses of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Slowly, Anakin lifted the latter's shirt off of his body, bringing his hard kisses from the lips of his former Master to his neck, his collarbones, and farther down.

Obi-Wan jolted with surprise as he felt something unbearably cold and wet tickle his chest. "I told you, the first one to make a noise loses." Before Obi-Wan could protest, Anakin brought his lips down to kiss him hard for the nth time.

The older almost whined, squirming under the temperature of the ice that rested on his chest.

Anakin lifted his night shirt up over his head, throwing the piece of cloth on the floor. The corner's of his mouth raised when he felt the tender touch of Obi-Wan's fingers caress his own chest.

He took Obi-Wan's hands and pinned both of them above the latter's head. "Keep them there," Anakin rasped, and the smaller nodded.

Anakin took his pants off in a swift motion, throwing them on the floor to meet his shirt. He did the same with Obi-Wan's pair, but this time much slower. Obi-Wan lifted his hips so Anakin could slip off his pants easier.

Before the older's pants were discarded, Anakin used a pantleg to wipe the melted ice off of Obi-Wan's chest. "Stay here." He spoke, looking at Obi-Wan in the eyes.

He quickly returned with another cube of cold ice, climbed on top of Obi-Wan once more, and dragged the frozen cube across the hot skin of Obi-Wan's stomach and V-line.

It took all self control the Jedi Master had to not make any sound as Anakin taunted him with the ice cube.

Anakin flipped him over hastily, Obi-Wan's back and ass showing. The ice cube in Anakin's fingertips moved all across the latter's back, making him shiver.

"Your hands aren't above your head," Anakin stated.

"Probably because this is absolute torture." Obi-Wan complained. He was going to continue about how Anakin should hurry up, but Anakin's flesh hand was brought up to his mouth to keep him quiet. "Don't make any sound," Anakin whispered. The ice cube remained still on Obi-Wan's back, melting slowly.

Suddenly, Anakin stopped. He leaned down to his former Master's ear and spoke, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Obi-Wan nodded. They were already so far into it, they should just continue. The damage, if there was any, has already been done. And besides, they both want it.

With this confirmation, Anakin entered him. He was slow and patient and held the smaller's hand which was clasping the bed sheets underneath them. Together, like this, they were one being, molded against each other and connected through their bond in the force more than ever.

Tell me when to move," he whispered in the other's ear.

After a few minutes of shifting and getting comfortable, Obi-Wan nodded. Anakin's pace was slow and cautious as he frequently kissed the back of Obi-Wan's head.

Once they were comfortable with each other, Anakin quickened his pace, going faster and faster as Obi-Wan's body rocked with his thrusts. The hand that was previously covering Obi-Wan's mouth had slipped, it now resides beside the older's head.

Obi-Wan let a small whimper slip past his cherry red lips, scrunching his eyes at the mixture of pleasure and pain which filled his mind.

Before he could register what he had done, he felt the cold metal of Anakin's robotic hand wrap around his neck, squeezing hard, but not hard enough to where he couldn't breathe.

Obi-Wan's eyes were half lidded, the choking and the animalistic thrusts coming from Anakin conjured up such a perfect emotional cocktail of pleasure and pain; it was euphoric.

Soon enough, Anakin's pace got slower and slower. Obi-Wan, exhausted and hot, his mouth was dry, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, and he took every slow thrust that was given to him. The grip his fingers had on the bed sheets loosened, as well as the grip on his neck by Anakin.

When Anakin came to a halt, he quickly pulled his member out so he didn't release inside of Obi-Wan. His long hair stuck to his forehead, too. A bead of sweat rolled down his temple as he flipped Obi-Wan on his back, taking in the view in front of him.

Obi-Wan's face was flushed, his legs were trembling, his eyes were half lidded, and his hair was a mess. He looked beautiful.

Anakin bent down to peck Obi-Wan's lips once more before he got up to clean the both of them. Once done, he picked Obi-Wan's boxers up from the ground and slid them back up until the waistband was just above his hips. He did the same to himself.

Picking up the older and tucking him in bed, he slid right beside him and spooned him. They laid there for a few seconds before he broke the silence. Anakin asked, "How was I, Master?"

All Obi-Wan could do was wrap his hand around the arm on his waist, lean back into the warmth of Anakin completely, and hum as a response.

It wasn't long before the two drifted to sleep. They were exhausted, after all.

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