Not a chapter

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Thank you for reading this, and I know you are probably going "Oh my god! Why can't this be a chapter?" In your head. Oh the torment! I suck, I know. And if there is any possibility that you know me in real life. Please, do every one a favor and leave. Before, I die of humiliation and embarrassment ,and then come to haunt your ass for the rest of your life.
Now that's over, I just want to make a few things known before I start this story.

 This is my first story I have ever published so please don't hate. I mean, I can accept criticism, but there is a difference between criticism and hate. And if your gonna hate do everyone a favor and get the fuck off my story thanks! I also will NOT be writing any explicit smut or rape. There will also be swearing ,although I think that it was pretty obvious already. Anyway, thanks for reading ,and I own all the characters and plot every one else is a thief. 

*Lance points gun to my head*
*sweats nervously*
Haha. I mean, I own nothing please don't kill me.

196 words

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