Chapter 6

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Everyone was exhausted they had been searching high and low in the night court for days with no sight of the mysterious black hole. The were starting to think they might have been hallucinating if it hadn't been for the physical injuries on both Cass and Kalen.

They had just finished with their finial rounds. He stood by the wall fingers tapping his hands, his legs bouncing up and down, shadows swirled around him in agitated movements while others caressed him like a mother her child. they acted as if they were trying to tell him something. Of what? He doesn't know,and that irritated him. He hated that something unforeseen that could be approaching ,and that he could be defenseless against it. Putting his family at risk.

He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt someone approach the town house at a fast pace. He immediately recognized the signature and who it belonged to, Mor. She slammed the doors open her blond hair streaking behind her. it was no drought that the doors where broken from the force.

"There's been sightings!" she blurted out slightly panting.

In less than a second everyone straightened up ,and were out the door. Az and I took too the sky, trusting Rhys to relay the information. And indeed not a second later Rhys voice filled our head "There are three possible sightings so we are going to split. Azriel I want you and Cassian to go to the sighting near the Illyrian camps. Kalen, I want you to go with Feyre to the one near Valaris she wont take no for an answer and for now that is the safest possible location in her condition protect her. Mor Amrin and I have to take the one in the court of nightmares. Am I understood?"

"Of course Rhys. I swore to protect her till my last breath, and I do not intend to brake it." I replied knowing that his instincts might be messing with him.

I looked at my brother before splitting off to follow Feyre below me. I only hoped to what ever god there may be that whatever was to happen today my makeshift family would be safe. Oh how I knew that was unlikely ,but I still let myself hope.

Hello bitches I'm backkk!
I'm sorry I had too , I couldn't resist. I am weak to temptation.
So, I had to read the story again, to remember what everthing I wrote. Ya know, details and stuff. So the chapter wouldn't be completely out of wack.
And I ask my self what happened?
Sorry, again I had too! Ok I didn't have too, but I damn well wanted too.
Anyway back to the point how can y'all read this, like omg there are so many mistakes🥲?
Like how can you read this ,and not immediately click out, going welp this is shit?
Soooo, that brings me too my next point I will be going back to edit. To make it at least slightly, more bearable. Emphasis on the slightly, because lets face it, it's going to be crap no matter what I do.

Bye lovelies~
529 words~

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