Chapter 5

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I collapsed on the carpeted floor of the town house, the plush softening the fall. Azriel was next to me hand out stretched in an offer of help. Once I was back on my feet I grabbed my shoulder popping it back in place. The feeling of pain came flooding in but I was used to it. I had worse during Father's "lessons". My face betrayed nothing as the rest of the group flinched when they herd the pop.

Rhys was supporting Cassian. I could tell Cass was tiered and in pain his mask was good but not enough to fool my brother and I who had mastered the art. Rhys's eyes lost focused, almost like he was dazed he must be talking to the others through the link.

I looked back over too Azriel noticing that his shadows where out and creeping over to me. I unraveled my own and mixed it with his.

"Are you ok? What happened?"

"I'm fine, I'll explain later"

He let out a quit brief growl of frustration, his shadows fidgeting as he retook his control over them.

Rhys looked over glancing at us his eye's glinting with curiosity. He cleared his throat," The others are on there way over lets head over to the dinner table, I'm sure we could all do with food and wine."


The table was deathly quiet the only sound was the clinging of forks and knives on plates. Amren griped her utencieless tightly her knuckles turning white. She slamed her hand on the table and growled out "That's it I'm done, I'm not going to be a pussy like the rest you lot. What happened to you two?" Her quicksilver eyes glaring at Cassian and I.

Cassian took the inititive and started explaining the previous encounter. The group stared at us. Mor exploded and started shooting question while Amen got into en argument with Cassian.

"ENOUGH!" Rhysand exclaimed, his power making the lights in the room go out.

It was deathly quite.

He let out a long suffering sigh"Thank you, for now I want to make sure that no one else was pulled in. The citizens are our top priority right know. We have no idea where they lead or how they got here."

"You think it's the cauldron or Hyberen?" All of us stiffened ,and looked at Fyre than back at Rhysand.

He griped Feyre's hand "It's a possibility, I don't know for sure."

Azriel looked at me I gave a small nod before he stood up, "Kalen and I, can check out the camps and ask around the small towns near by."

Mor stood up next, "I can check the court of nightmares and see if my father saw anything."

Rhys looked at us and nodded "The rest of you ask around town see if your contacts have seen anything."

We all nooded ,and stalked off.

A/N Sorry for the long wait. The new one will be up soon where the juicy parts will start to begin.

Tata lovlies~

591 words

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