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            I strain my wings to go faster. The frigid wind biting at my face as the sound of music and laughter echo from below. Rhys has called an emergency meeting, telling us to get to the House of Wind immediately.

I glance at Azriel to my right. He was my younger half brother ,although we could pass for twins if I kept my wings out. He was full blooded Illyrian, while I was a half-blood like Rhysand. My mother was raped by a high-fey, before my asshole of a step-father found her pregnant with me. After our mother passed away when I was four he locked Azriel and I away. I always had the worst as I was not related to him in any way and always tried to protect Azriel. I grew up raising Azriel as best I could.

We had been in a meeting with a leader of one of the Illyrian camps to check up on the girls progress on training, and reports on repairs that still need to be completed.

There was still so much to do with the war ended and Feyre stuck at home with Cree. She had just given birth only a week ago, and was still easily tired out.  Rhysand was reasonably stressed, trying to build the barrier back up around Velaris, and deal with the Court of Nightmares demanding for access to the city. He was getting little sleep taking care of the baby ,and repressing his instincts to not let anyone near Feyre or Cree.

We softly landed on the balcony. My shadows wrapped around me, settling in the grooves of my muscles. A wisp curled around my ear, whispering of secrets in a language that only those who are trapped in shadows can understand. We slowly faded into the shadows walking to the meeting room with silent movements. I opened the door for Az ,as he strode through. I followed soon after ,swiftly taking my seat. As to be expected, no one had noticed our entrance.

"You called?'' I asked Rhys in a low tenor, my voice echoing around the room.

 Everyones eyes snapped to me, their movements stilling before resuming what they were previously doing. Not surprising since I rarely ever speak. Mostly letting Az do the talking, and considering he barely speaks either. Well, you get the point. The only person I really talk to is Az.

Az glances at me briefly before looking back at the others. Amren was relaxing back in her chair, feet propped on the table cleaning out her nails with a sharpened piece of bone. Mor was beside her nursing a glass of wine, she must have just gotten back from the Court of Nightmares. Cassian was fidgeting beside Rhys, looking out the window at the street below bathed in light as the sun had started to rise. I looked at Rhys who was previously conversing with his mate Feyre.

Rhys looked over at me his face set in stone, nodding his head at me ",Kalen."

Rhys glanced at all of us, "Last night Feyre and I were on the balcony, when something came shooting down from the sky. They were radiating fear, so I reached out with my power trying to slow them down. I want us to go out and see if we can find anything out like who they were, if there are others, where they came from, and if they're a threat? See if the locals saw anything or anyone that looked like they don't belong here. We can head out now ,or wait till noon?" We all straitened in our seats. 

Mor sluggishly looked up from her wine glass, "I don't know about you guys but i'm drained, and as pressing as this matter is I doubt a couple hours will make a difference seeing as if that person is still alive then they would be long gone by now. Plus, "She rose from her seat ," we're no use dead on our feet."

 Amren made a small noise of agreement.

A/n: Hey everyone just making thing a little clear so you understand everything. I fast forwarded the timeline where Aline comes after Feyre has given birth instead of before. Lance is also four years older than Azriel and is his half brother that means currently he it around 542 years old. If they're any questions feel free to let me know. Lance's name will also be Kalen for now. I also will be doing a back story in the future for Lance. Cree is also the babies name if you couldn't tell.


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