Chapter 2

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    The hallway was dark, my brother was beside me as we walked to our bedroom. We never had a bedroom ,or anything really before we meet Rhys and his mother took us in with Cassian. So, we made sure to protect our belongings with multiple wards and shields put around the room ,and on the door making sure no one could get in or out without our permission. We shucked of  our armor. The walls where covered in pictures and ivy. A large bed pushed against the corner with black, grey, and emerald bed sheets and pillows, blankets piled high on top. Plants littered the room vines climbing up the walls and out the windows. A dark red-brown wooden desk was located to the next to the bathroom door with stacks of papers, drawings, and more pictures scattered across the desk. I sat  on the bed my back leaning against the pillows ,and solid wood headboard, Azriel followed suit sitting in between my legs his back and head leaned against my chest. We sat there in comfortable silence eyes closed basking in each others comfort. Our cat Kuu sitting in Az's lap purring at the top at the of his lungs, he was a jet black Maine coon with ,green eyes, and a vertical scar over his left eye.

(if you understand the reference lets be friends)

I sat there thinking about what could happen. If someone really did fall out of the sky how and why? Would they be a threat to our world? Would they be powerful enough that there was no way to stop them if they wanted to destroy the world? What does this mean? We can't afford another war. What if someone I care about dies or disapp-

"Get out of your head, I can hear you stressing from hear," Azriel huffs the worry leaking out through his voice.

"Yea well, your doing the same thing!" I taut.

Rhys's voice blares through our head telling us to return to the meeting room. We sit there for a moment longer before Azriel shifts out of my grip, Kuu jumped to the floor still purring albeit a lot quitter, and started to dress back into his armor.

I sit there and watch him till he throws a boot at my head telling me to get out of bed. I laugh at the irony of the action and with a sigh I heave myself out of bed. I pick up my armor of the floor putting it back on I glance back at Az. He was strapping on the last of his weapons our eyes meet. He bumps my shoulder with his hips as he walks by to the door. Once we are both dressed we leave the room making our way back to Rhys and the others.

A/n sorry for updating so late everything has been really hectic in my life recently I will try my best to update more regularly but I will do it in my own time so they will be inconsistent. I will also come back to polish this up a bit.

526 words

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