Chapter 3

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We had agreed to split up and each search a diffrent area. I took the woods near the Illyrian camps with Cassian. Az took to the woods with Mor, and Rhys took the city with Amrian. Nesta and Elaine stayed behind with Feyre and the baby. Feyre was still relitivly week from the birth and her instincts would not let her part with her child.

I was flying above the trees my hand out touching the tips of the branches, my eyes  trained on the ground. I glance around for Cass, the vast expance of sky where he once was stared back. I circle around, trying to spot the stupid Illyrian asshole, straining my ears for sounds of distress. I reached out to Rhys ,and my brother, only to find my conection had been blocked or severed, not a trace of either presence left. I was close to panicking when I caught a glymps of a sapphire blue in my peripheral vision.
I dive in to the trees.

I was yanked forward, my power vanishing. I shoot out my hand and grabed the nearest branch gripping as hard as I can, trying to ground my self. The wood digging into my skin, splinters causing my hand to sting. It's funny how the small injuries can hurt more than the bigger ones. I look around the small clearing, smaller trees and plants with weeker roots already pulled into the black viod in the center.

"Kalen!", the voice was rough and strained ,but sounded distinctly like Cassian.

Off to my right feet and swords dug into the earth, his hands gripped around the handles so hard the knuckles were turning white, Cassian slipping further and further towards the void threatening to drag him in to its dark clutches going who knows where. I reach out a hand straining to grasp his own. Slowly, ever so slowly he stretched out his arm our fingers grazed each other. I strained my arm to go just a little farther and clamped our hands together. The tree groaned with the weight being pulled against it as I hauled Cassian closer. I don't know how long we stayed like that clutching the tree, gripping each other.

Suddenly everything stopped, wind stilling we both collapsed on the ground weak from exhaustion and heaving for air. My power returned to me like a title wave, the connections between the others and I snapping back in place. I knew that I would have a massive headache latter.

I sat there for a minute Regaining some energy ,and pulled myself together notifying the others ignoring there questions and frantic yelling. Looking over my adoptive brother for fatal or large injuries. He was passed out cold, trickling blood from his temple, when a rock came flying at him.

I glance over to the center of the clearing the void was still there albeat a smidge smalller.

Cass groaned beside me as he started to regian consense. " Good morning sleeping beauty," I called out breathless " how was your nap." The pain from my dislocated shoulder mixed with everything else was makeing me light headed.

A/N I decree a new proclimation, unless I state otherwise it will be in lance's POV. Cause I'm lazy and don't feel like typing that out all the time.

Bye lovlies until next time~

Is it bad that I crack myself up sometimes.

eh as my favorite quote goes,  "we're all mad here"

mwahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahahahahhhahaha! Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahgahhahahahahahahahahhahahahjahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahaahha!

ok i'll stop


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