"Christian! Great job at the game!" I exclaim as he pulls me in for a hug.
He laughs, "Dude, I fell down so hard when number 15 shoved me down."
"Oh no! Christian has a bruised butt!" I shout out.
Everyone laughs and Christian punches me.
Mailie's house is absolutely ginormous. He has 4 floors, and each of them are bigger than one floor on my house. Her dad is a very successful heart surgeon, and her mom is a successful real estate agent. When the two are married, you can expect huge houses and glamorous additions are included.
"Did I hear Taylor come in?" Davis calls.
I walk up to him and embrace him. He has his football jersey on. Number 18.
"Nice jersey Mr. MVP." I comment.
"Nice sweats. Why are you wearing a tube top in winter?"
"Davis, when a huge group of high schoolers are crowded together, it's bound to get pretty hot in the room. And also, I may or may not be jumping straight into bed when I get home and I wear this to bed."
He laughs, "Sounds like a Tay thing to do."
Mailie shouts over the crowd, "Guys! Let's all migrate downstairs so we can play games before the movie starts! Also, snacks are in their usual places for whoever wants them!"
Another perk of having a filthy rich friend is snacks. Food is the way to my heart, and Mailie could make a mansion out of food she has so much of it. So I guess you could say Mailie has the key to my heart in her grasp.
Davis wraps an arm around me and we head down the stairs into the large lounge room with comfy couches and tv's galore. We sit down by each other and he grabs my high, long ponytail.
"Davis, what are you doing?" I laugh.
He just laughs.
I love my friends; we do some fun stuff together. Last Christmas, we all went ice skating. Mailie's parents rented out the entire rink so we could have it all to ourselves.
"All right everyone, so our new edition to the group isn't here yet, but we can start anyways." Mailie says over the loud chatter. "What do y'all want to play?"
"Truth or dare"
"Spin the bottle"
"We want to watch the movie!"
We all start to laugh at the last recommendation.
Someone says, "Seven minutes in heaven."
The room is filled with smattered agreements. I even agree. There are some couples in our friend group I know would love that opportunity, and pairs that need a shove to become a couple. I may not be romantically involved with anyone right now, but that doesn't mean I'm anti romance.
"Seven minutes in heaven it is. How will we decide?" Mailie asks. "I will volunteer..."
Everyone laughs. She's a total hopeless romantic. She has a new boyfriend every other day.
There is a smattering of suggestions, but Mailie says, "How about we cut up papers and have one paper per gender group have a pencil marking on it. Those who draw it have to do it."
Everyone agrees.
Mailie says, "I'll be right back. When I'm back, we will decide who our lucky first couple is."
"I've never had to do it before." I admit to Davis who is still playfully holding on to my ponytail.
I make a face at him when I realize he is still holding it. It makes him laugh.

Old Flames Die Hard
RomanceTaylor is just your average Senior cheerleader trying to survive the complexity and harshness of High School. The last thing she needs is a love life to surface in her life, but that may be something she has no control over. When faced with the choi...